The little guy's birthday

Qiao Chen's eyebrows furrowed deeply, and his eyes narrowed into a sharp gaze, revealing the intensity of his emotions. He clenched his fists, trying to contain his anger while struggling to find the right words to express his outrage.

With a tense voice, he shouted, "This is unacceptable! How can she treat Qiao Qing like this? And Sun Qinglian's actions are deplorable!"

His tone was firm, and the anger in his voice was palpable. Qiao Chen paced back and forth, unable to stay still as he grappled with his emotions.

"Qiao Qing is my sister, and she deserves respect and love from our family, not this mistreatment," he exclaimed, his voice growing louder with each word.

"The nerve of Sun Qinglian to do such things to my sister, I'll not let her be," Qiao Chen declared clenching his jaw tightly.

Xia Ling told Qiao Chen to calm down, "Don't worry, Yuze has already taken care of Sun Qinglian. She won't dare to hurt our Qiao Qing anymore."