Commotion at the Han mansion

Despite his relentless efforts, the phone remained silent, and Elder Han remained elusive, adding to the mounting stress and anxiety that hung over the hospital corridor. The Xu family and Jiang Xun were left with a deep sense of frustration and helplessness, knowing that time was slipping away, and the lifeline they so desperately needed was just out of reach.

With Father Xu's efforts to contact Elder Han proving fruitless, and the dire situation sinking in, a heavy cloud of despair settled over the hospital area. The area's once-sterile atmosphere was now filled with tension and anguish.

In the face of this harrowing reality, Mother Xu, overwhelmed by the helplessness of the situation, could no longer contain her emotions. She broke down, her sobs echoing through the sterile hospital corridor, adding to the already heavy atmosphere.