Shouldn't have provoked him

Qin Yan seemed to only realize now, it was not only men's Adam's apple that was sexy, even their collarbones were sexy.

Seeing Xi Ting's long slender fingers unbuttoning his shirt, Qin Yan could not help but swallow. Even if she did not look at his face, just those two hands made it impossible for people to look away. Xi Ting fully satisfied the requirements of those who liked good-looking people, good-looking hands, and nice voices.

Unknowingly, Xi Ting suddenly stopped his movements. The buttons of his button-up shirt were all removed, and his front was open, showing his chest and his nicely defined abs. It was just a small gap, but Qin Yan could still see the lines of his abs, which were very clear.

Originally, when his tie was still on and the buttons of his shirt were properly buttoned, his whole person looked very proper. He looked like a young master, causing people to remember him.