Getting married

The dim glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm and intimate atmosphere in the hotel room. Qin Muran and Xi Yaohua lay side by side on the soft, plush bed, their breaths gradually returning to normal after the passionate encounter they had just shared. The air was filled with a mix of lingering desire and a subtle tension that hung between them.

As they lay there, the sheets tangled around them, Xi Yaohua broke the comfortable silence with a sigh. He turned his head to look at Qin Muran, "Muran, your father has become suspicious of the company's accounts. He has hired a professional to go through them, and I'm afraid he has doubts about the financial transactions we've been involved in."

Qin Muran's expression shifted from post-ecstasy bliss to a more serious demeanor. The weight of his words settled in the room, creating an unexpected tension. "A professional?" he repeated, his mind racing to comprehend the implications.