
Cara and Nate both took another path in the darkness leading probably to their own home as Geo and I sneak back to the base. We got to the base without much stress as everyone looks to be asleep by now including those that were meant to be on guard.

It was not difficult sneaking back into my room with Geo by my side. I quietly entered the bed, afraid of waking Jane who seems to be fast asleep.

"How was it," Jane whispered. I thought my ears were playing tricks because I felt she should be asleep by now. "How was it, Mase," she asked again.

"It was okay" I answered in a similar tone just before I drifted into sleep.

It was midday by the time I woke up, the sun shining brightly up in the sky and its light filled our room. I saw a plate of food by my side and I didn't waste time to get washed up and eat the food.

"How are you," I asked Jane who was sitting at the other end of the bed.

"I'm fine" she said. "What happened at the training yesterday? Were you made to fight? Your face is all swelled up? Are you sure you are okay?"

When Jane asked those myriads of questions, my brain brought back how Cara and Nate had destroyed my image last night. It played like a movie in front of my eyes. I felt embarrassed letting Jane see my face so distorted.

"I wasn't made to fight. I'm fine actually and the training was fun".

I told her everything that happened at the training. From the grand welcome to meeting the elegant Cara and how she made me pick some crazy sticks and hitting my head like a million times till my head became one huge bump. Jane cursed at Cara, swearing to do this and do that. I must tell you, she hates Cara now.

I went on to tell her about Nate. The one with the iron palm, steel palm, call it anything as long as it is strong. I told her how he made me dodge a cloth that has been soaked in water and how I end up dodging none while the cloth hit my face till it turned red. Jane was really furious at my teachers while I was excited and thinking of how to go back there and show Cara my prowess again.

Geo came in the night and we both sneaked out of the base to the training hall. I still find it difficult to walk on dry leaves without them creaking and every time they do, Geo would send me a look warning me to be more careful with my steps.

Training that day was no different from the previous. I took the advice Cara had given me not to show intent, and one time I decided not to show intent and I decided to walk like a normal bypasser and then kick the broom away from her side while passing by. Well, if you look at the back of my head now, you'll see a bump sticking out with intent, it's the result of Cara's hit when I tried to kick the stick away.

Nothing came out of Cara's training except the bumps on my head and she said her usual 'you are not too bad' after the training.

Nate came with his wet clothes andbe hurled them at me just like yesterday. They kept hitting my face over and over just like yesterday as well. I managed to dodge one and Nate increased the speed at which he hurls the cloth at me. That was the only one I dodged but I was happy I did. At least better than yesterday. 'I am improving' I thought.

The next two trainings went the same way. On the fourth training, Geo asked me to sneak out of the base myself because in reality, though I've not been able to pick Cara's stick but I've made improvements. She no longer notice me coming, or hits me just as I am about to bend or kick my legs so I can fall, she only hits my hands away from the stick at the last moments now.

While I've not picked Cara's stick, I now dodge Nate's cloth like it's a piece of shit now. I see it as that though.

So Geo said I should sneak out of the base myself. As long as I don't suddenly kick a barrel and cause it to make noise, or bump into someone then I should be fine.

I snuck out of the base perfectly, passing by some men on guard without them noticing. I got to the base very quickly and I met Geo, Cara, and Nate already seated and waiting for me.

"When did you get here," I asked Geo because I thought he wasn't going to come at all today, the reason he asked me to come myself.

"Hope no one saw you" he asked ignoring my question.

"Yes" I answered and went over to their side.

Training was better for me that day. I dodged almost all of Nate's throws and though I couldn't pick Cara's stick yet, I have made advancements so much that I now touch the stick before she grabs me by the wrist.

When training ended with Cara, she told me that though I'm not able to pick her sticks but with my present skill, I can sneak up on anyone as long as the person is not on her own level. She said she can read auras. I asked her what that is and she said it is the kind of energy that humans emanate when they want to do something. She said auras can be repressed and if I can repress my aura then I can sneak up on anyone.

Nate also told my about auras and how it helps in combat and aids martial arts because they'll help you to predict how your opponent would strike next.

When the training ended, Cara told me that I'll commence the training on how to pick locks tomorrow while Nate said we'll start the martial art class tomorrow as well. I can't wait to learn those things.

Geo told me on our way back that he has been able to contact Dad and a meeting is set for tomorrow. He told me it'll be in the night, so I'll probably not train tomorrow, if the meeting holds.

I snuck into bed, as usual, answering Jane's questions in whispers about how the training went. I closed my eyes, hoping for a good sleep and a productive meeting with Dad tomorrow.

Above all, I can't wait to see my Dad again.