
When Rio said he had an offer to make, I knew straight away what his offer would be and the fact that he wants me out of Jane's and Katie's way wasn't so unexpected either. But Rio offering to be my boy, servant, lackey, call it anything, is what amuses me.

Rio being Rio wouldn't let himself be controlled by any student so him making that offer means he is very certain of his win but I wasn't going to back out either. I would also love to see him become my boy, order him around, and I would love to see him humiliated once more.

"He won't fight you," Jane said stepping forward, standing in front of me "and he won't accept your offers either" she continued "I will report to the school that he is sick and won't be able to accept your position fight. The fight will be called off, so don't bother" Jane said looking at me.

I pulled Jane back to my side, though she's skilled at fighting and surprisingly among the top 10 martial arts students in the school, I don't trust Rio who might attack her since there are no teachers around. The fact that we are in the hall at inappropriate times will make it hard for us to report any matter to the school authorities.

"Jane you don't have to worry, I'll surely beat this punk," I said out loud to Jane making sure Rio heard me. "I have an offer to make as well," I said and walked across the hall towards Rio.

Rio laughed so hard, very hard that he was clutching his stomach though I didn't know what he found funny, I waited for him to finish. "What is your offer, loser?" he asked in disdain.

"I accept your challenge. If I lose, I'll follow the terms and leave the football team, martial arts class, and Jane, I will also stay away from Katie but if I win, you'll be my lackey meaning I can command you around and you'll do as I say, follow my commands to the letter not minding the harm it might cause you. Am I correct with your terms?" I asked.

"Yes. If you win, I'll be your boy and you my boss. If you win. You've not said your offer, right?" Rio said

"Yes. The offer is simple. Broadcast the news of the fight and let every student in this school be aware of the fight. Request the arena from the school for the fight. They'll allow it since it's martial arts but I also want you to make every student aware of the terms associated with the fight, so the person who loses won't shirk his responsibility for losing, though it is on you to keep that away from the ears of the teachers." I said.

"I'll gladly grant your offer," Rio said, "You want the whole school to witness your humiliation, how can I reject that? I will surely do that. Moreover, I'll organize a bet and put all my money innit, it won't be nice enough to just beat, but I'll make money out of it."

"I'll officiate the fight and make sure the person who loses keeps to the deal"

Someone spoke from another side of the room. It startled me because Jane was still by my side and Rio and the others have been in front of me, so definitely, someone has been in the hall all along.

"I'll officiate the fight" the person said again, a female, as she stepped forward. It was Katie.

"Where were you!" Jane asked expressing the shock on our behalf.

"I've been here before you all entered and I heard everything that you said. I'll love to see Mase beat you right before my eyes so I'll be the official. Moreover, I am capable of beating you both if you fail to keep to the deal, so it's fair." Katie said as she stepped between Rio and us.

What Katie said angered Rio and it was seen all over his face. He was infuriated and could merely stand. Katie had deliberately said those words to anger him, it was obvious that she doesn't like Rio and wouldn't welcome his company.

Rio had wanted to impress and win Katie over when he challenged her to a duel then. He was confident that he would defeat her since he was the first student, so he thought even the student in the second position wouldn't be able to defeat him. But at the end of everything, he lost the fight and also his pride. So Rio had always wanted to win her and his pride over but he kept losing it again and again.

The fight was set in place so Rio stormed out of the hall with his boys. Rio could attempt anything to stop me from training before the fight so I left the training hall along with Jane. Katie had insisted that she was going to remain in the hall so we left her to do her own thing.

When I went to the dining hall for breakfast the following morning, someway, somehow, the news had managed to creep into the ears of some students and it was being discussed across the hall. I received a lot of attention as students approached me to confirm if the news about the match is real.

Of course, I said yes! I want everyone to witness the fight, I want everyone to see me defeat Rio, I want to wound his pride. In the afternoon, Rio informed Master Leao of our fight and it was accredited, most excitingly, the students learned of the terms associated with the fight, and it grew more popular.

The attention throughout that day was much, during classes, breaks, preps, I gained a lot of attention either they are asking me about the match or about the validity about the terms associated with it so I went to the rooftop of the school to train.

I left the rooftop at night missing a lot of school activities and went straight to my hostel hoping to get enough sleep, a much needed sleep for what awaits the morror.