Will you put me Back Together, Again?

Dayna Leah Wilson P.O.V-

"Calm down, breath in deeply and relax" The boy struggles to do so, his mind still trapped within his horrific nightmare.

I pick up a glass of water on his bedside table and offered it up to him, which he gulps greedily on like a man trying to find the answers to his problems at the bottom. And as if questioning why it's not there he just stares down at the glass after finishing the contents of it, as if willing it to appear.

My heart breaks for Noah.

Noah Xavier.

Saved from a car accident somewhere on the main road heading back North Carolina in a vehicle, so crushed and mangled up like a piece of trash someone just crumbled and roughed up pretty harshly, screaming for his sister who had unfortunately died a few minutes prior to the ambulance arriving.

He doesn't remember what happened exactly, but I'm trying to help his retrograde amnesia.

This is the 3rd session of therapy this week and there is almost no noticeable improvement so far and that's completely fine and normal, but I know all that one-sided conversations, deep talks and help is brewing up somewhere inside him and it's only a (hopefully not that long of a) while until its out.

Or so I like to tell myself and the head psychologist who guides me through my first job as an official doctor who just passed out of medical school not too long ago..I'm not the main doctor (yet), but a helper on an internship so I'm shadowing my superior.

Retrograde amnesia isn't uncommon for patients in similar situation. It is often accompanied by concessions and splitting headaches. But he survived no minor accident but a rather painfully large-scale one.

Retrograde amnesia, for those who doesn't know what it is, is when memory before the person's accident is hard to recall. In fact, in a lot of cases they forget their entire past.

This is called having a clean-slate. It is but also, it isn't if you know what I mean. They will always want to know what happened to them to be forgetting everything.

It's the brain's way of coping with the accident - completely forgetting. But it will always remain in your unconscious, even when consciously it doesn't practically exist. This is often the reason why they have 'dreams' or 'visions' of their past lives.

Even in your present, the past will always haunt you. Your brain will never forget, unless of course it just does, but otherwise you will always be drawn to what had happened. It's like your brain is fighting with your own body as well as simultaneously healing it from your trauma. It's a very complicated process that just takes about a lifetime to completely heal from, no biggie (note the sarcasm). It is hard to understand, and harder to put into words in my case.

In lots of cases, your brain itself was altered to such an extend where you are a completely different person than you were 24 hours ago.

Biological evidence: Phineas Gage. He had a rod shot to his head in a mine explosion, which he survived of course, but after his recovery, he was completely different from the man he was prior to his accident. A noticeable change was to his pre-frontal cortex which controlled his aggression levels. So before his accident he was a relatively calm peaceful man, but after he became an impulsive aggressive man.

Luckily for Noah, his memory loss is confined to only the incident of his accident itself. And he's able to recall it back.

What isn't common is for people to be in a shape enough to be able to sit itself, like he is at the moment, on his bed supporting himself enough.

Noah is different, and it doesn't help that his distinctive and very detailed features and skill set make it hard for me to analyze him by comparing him to the other cases of patients similar to his condition. Look at his recovery rate itself! Astounding!

This is my first independent patient that my superior assigned to me so that I can finally prove my worth and I hope to the damn stars that I don't mess this up for myself or for Noah.

More importantly for Noah...Obviously.

Why is Noah unlike the other patients? I don't know.

But what I do know is that he's very different, biologically from what I understand, from any other ordinary human.

He heals much faster, all five of his senses are more developed and better-working, his body is more defined and stronger with more packed muscles, almost like an athlete who has been training for most of his life. His senses, especially those related to his CNS (so basically literally all of them) are extremely sensitive. For example, his sense of smell is astounding as he claimed to smell his meat broth brunch from a block away.

On the day of the situation when the ambulance had come to get Noah and his sister, Noah were said to have been projecting glowing eyes and sharp canines that accompanied long animal-like nails.

Sadly, all traces of it's existence was gone when a way too heavy dose of anesthesia was given, but that didn't stop Noah from screaming for his sister all the way to the closest hospital, that they had to inject him with a few too many doses of the sedative.

However since they didn't have the proper equipment in the van for all his many serious injuries, they had just done all the possible emergency treatments that was first aid, packing him up enough as to send him to the Melon International Medical Hospital flying on a helicopter to get him the closest and most sufficient aid as soon as possible.

His sister was pronounced dead then and there by the ambulance doctors itself, and was said to have lost the battle with the living before the ambulance got to the accident site.

"I remember" he said and I sat patiently for him to continue.

Clutching his head, he said "I remember going to a party a little far away from home and getting drunk. My sister had to come and pick me up, then on the way back she was shouting at me and our car went in the other lane. We were gonna be hit by a truck or something but Rose managed to dodge it. Everything is very blurry in my head.

"I think we hit a tree or fell of a cliff. I don't know. I don't remember. But there was a crash and it was horrible. It was painful. And when I called out for Rose-" Noah started to shiver violently. Shivering hard like he's controlling himself from lashing out or something.

"Look at me, look into my eyes and focus" I said. His breaths became more even. His shivering decreased. But in his eyes, I could see things. Is that anger I see in his eyes? Is it for himself? Or is it for what happened?

A metallic smell hung in the air. Blood. What the hell?

I looked at his tightly fisted hand. And taking it gently like I would a predator, I tried to open his palm. He forced his hand shut and didn't let me in. But after some time, which was not too soon, you could see that he became very tired easily and let loose.

I took my opportunity to open his hand, palm facing up revealing blood pooling out from cut shaped like fingernails, raw and heavy, blood glittering like rubies under the hospital LED spot lights reflecting it off.

I looked at him like I watched him when he got through the first few stages of grief. It was the saddest thing to witness, my heart broke for him.

Denial was the hardest for him.

He wrecked his entire room when he learnt that his sister had passed away immediately on impact of the car on the large tree.

Her ribs had punctured her lungs and she couldn't breathe. Her heart was beating too fast, the report said, pointing at evidence of blood samples from her cardiac muscles indication the large amount of lactic acid build up due to anaerobic respiration and at the traces of the cardiac markers left by the cardiac infraction damage due to losing too much blood and inefficient oxygen.

Noah had hurt himself more at that time in the hospital ICU when he heard about Rosalie. He ripped his stitches open and reopened his wounds.

I know that it's horrible news to hear that someone you hold so dearly had lost their fight with the world.

Patients either break down or do violent things in stressful times, and I wouldn't blame Noah if he did lose all sense of the world and try seek retribution for his loss by harming anything or anyone that relates to Rosalie because, it's the nature of man during stress or pain.

But Noah, after his initial surge of absolute chaos, just broke. You could see it in his soul. It was like that it was shattered and there was no way to ever piece back the pieces that was left. Mostly since a lot of the shards were taken by Rosalie with her when she left the world. There was no way he could be whole again.

He was struggling with survivor's guilt and he knew it too.

Before I turned to get the antiseptics to clean the wound on Noah's hand, he stiffened. And I was jolted with awareness and concern.

The door to the room opened to reveal a few men in black suits with wires around themselves followed by a tall handsome man. He was wearing a grey suit fitting his frame perfectly with deep forest green eyes, snapping to figure and stare into my brown ones immediately upon entry.

I saw his mutter something in a voice too low for me to hear, feeling something in the air spark to life.

Through his eyes I saw a big wolf with silky black fur standing majestically with a posture similar to that of a powerful being, like a king, and I wondered how the soft texture would feel between my fingers if I ran through them.

The wolf was so beautiful yet so familiar, like I'd knew it my entire life. But I didn't...did I?

The wolf howled and its intense eyes focused on me. I was mesmerized by its beauty and authoritative form. It looked very ancient and mighty. The wolf howled again, this time trying to tell me something I couldn't really understand when suddenly, my hands were on warm. Too warm, like it was on a rising fire.

Snapping out of my insanely but completely normal reverie (again, note the sarcasm), I looked at the body source of the warm temperature to find Noah breaking out a sweat.

I tried to let go of his hand but he held on, grabbed me with his still bloody hand and didn't let go. He tightened his grip with whatever remaining energy he had. I turned, careful as to not break our hand holding, to get hold of the telephone and quickly dialed the reception number which was picked up after a ring.

"Hello! Reception of Melon-." the woman on the other line started to say.

But I cut her off. "Stacy, I need a physician, preferable Doctor Evelyn if she is available, to room 202 ASAP!"

"Immediately, Dr. Wilson"