Celestial Tiger use his right hand to fill his hand with molten washing. Black feels Heavenly Tiger's hand melt. As I said, no one is like me. A punch hits Heavenly Tiger in the head and Heavenly Tiger is thrown against the wall outside the room he shattered the wall. Black fell to look to the side to see who saved his life, it was Pedro.

The admiral looks at Pedro's face, he feels ashamed. Black says obliging, did I beat you? Yea! He looked at Peter what he saw that Peter had his hair down, and a smile. Pedro looks at Black and says don't worry sir Black I'll take care of the Celestial Tiger soon, you could ask the paramedics I brought along with me to help.

The admiral looks at Pedro's hair, he feels thin and embarrassed, he feels he doesn't deserve help. The paramedics go to Admiral Black and tend to his melted burn wounds, he feels relief, but he's too thin, he feels like a weakling. Despite this, Pedro goes to where he is. Celestial Tiger is locating Celestial Tiger, getting up from the wreckage is seeing Pedro in front of him. We will see. Pedro says don't worry Celestial Tiger you will soon be defeated and you will be arrested for your crimes against peace.

Heavenly Tiger responds with a laugh, most likely going to be arrested. Peter vs Heavenly Tiger

Let the Battle Begin!

Heavenly Tiger shrugged.

I am not afraid of you. You are one of the admiral's few slaves. Pedro says I can even be the admiral's slave, but I will do everything to bring a world without death or sadness for you. Life is important, don't worry about it too much, do you? Celestial Tiger says whatever, prepare to die Celestial Tiger launches molten fire at Pedro that dodging attack is Pedro runs towards Celestial Tiger, when Celestial Tiger is launching molten fire it is Pedro non-stop, Pedro manages to hit Celestial Tiger's stomach .

Peter vs. Heavenly Tiger, let the battle be over! Celestial Tiger is thrown into the wreckage. Celestial Tiger lift and launch a giant molten fireball is Pedro, Pedro slam his fist into the molten fireball that vanish right in front of Celestial Tiger, the molten ball was enough to hit Celestial Tiger's head. Celestial Tiger lift is Pedro's spear of molten fire rain, Pedro dodges back and forth, catching fire at the call, when he finally crashes into Celestial Tiger's other side. Pedro kicks Celestial Tiger on the back, Celestial Tiger uses his molten fire thorn hand to hit Pedro in the lower back of the body, Pedro lands on the tip of it on the ground, the tip hits around the chest and reaches the abdomen Pedro twists blood and blood spit. Peter gets up and falls to his side. Celestial Tiger says like I said no one is match for me, not even someone powerful like you will be able to defeat me. Celestial Tiger using his hand as a thorn of molten fire and walking calmly until Peter fell to the ground. Pedro looks at the Celestial Tiger without fear of dying

Celestial Tiger kneeling is on top of Peter's chest that is fallen

Heavenly Tiger says his last words, his cause will be glorious. Celestial Tiger taking his molten fire thorn hand is going to deliver the final blow to Peter's heart. But a hand to catch the molten fire thorn of the Celestial Tiger, is to throw the Celestial Tiger on the ground far from Pedro.

Hugo herinque the supreme leader being on Pedro's side falling to the ground.

Hugo herinque the supreme leader falls to Pedro with his last breath.

The battle ends. Hugo herinque says if you don't give up now Celestial Tiger I'll have to fight you to see who wins. Celestial Tiger look at Hugo herinque with a cold face

Tigre Celestial says it's not over yet you're listening it's not over Tigre Celestial flee the place leaving Hugo herinque is Pedro behind