Chapter 15 - Sins of the Friend

What defines success? Fame? Fortune? Power? Nobody truly knows because it's a different threshold for everyone. Out of everyone, Marcus Moussa knows this better than anyone. Finally given a chance to prove himself while on the practice squad, he plans to not let it go to waste. There is an upcoming match against the practice squad. He sits in the cafeteria in an empty space with his laptop in hand. In it is a series of notes and videos based in dodgeball, it seems like he's been doing his homework.

"Hey, Marcus!" a voice yells out in the hallway. Marcus turns to the direction of the voice. It's Amelia waving while Jonathan and Taigen arrive with her.

"....It's Ted's bulky bro." Taigen jokingly says.

"Haha, come on lay off him Tai." Jonathan says with a pat on Taigen's back. The force of the pat almost pushes Taigen forward down on the ground before he quickly catches his balance. "I understand more than anybody how it seems to be a bit on the bulky side, especially as a sophomore."

"What are you guys doing here?" Marcus asks.

"Well, I was coming to see you regarding the upcoming practice squads matchup. These two just kinda followed me here. Are you ready for it?"

"Not really Amelia, I'm never truly prepared for matches. Maybe nervousness but I just can't help but feel anxiety over games."

".....I feel the same, Marcus."

Marcus's eyes widened, "You do, Taigen? You're one of the most level-headed people I know."

"....It's about expectations. It creeps up on you and when you fail it tears you up." Jonathan interjects.

"Right, but I feel this is kinda different still. Two of the people in the other squad kinda hate my guts."

"How so?"

"They were in Raymond's group when me, Ted, and V beat them in the Trio Tryouts."

It's another thing facing a team. Facing a team of players that despise your guts means you gotta stay on your toes. They are the ones who will pray for your downfall. However, it would be the same story if this was the same meek Marcus we met in the beginning, wouldn't it? He sighs and takes a deep breath.

"Guess I gotta exterminate some pests."

"So what's the plan?" Amelia says. "You've been hanging out with Teddy, right? I'm expecting to see some of that charm and intellect carry onto you. Or maybe that's wishful thinking?"

"Heh. I'm definitely not him, I'm me. I'm my own breed of different."

Amelia gives a slight smile, alongside Jonathan and Taigen. For the rest of the lunch period, these four would talk and conversate over activities and stuff planned for the future. For Marcus, he would have never imagined getting this familiar with members of the dodgeball team. Well, technically, he is a part of the team. It's all thanks to Teddy that he finally has a chance at his dream.

"Maybe I should get him something to show my appreciation.", Marcus thought to himself.

Just like that, the day flowed on as the final school bell rang throughout the building.

"Oh yeah, I need to meet V near the entrance of the school. Knowing her perky attitude, she's probably already there." He quickly rushes over to go meet her. He arrives to see her with her hands crossed with a look of anger smeared across her face.

"You're late."

He lets out an awkward laugh.

He knows she's a very stern, direct type of person with him. Now that they're dating, it may seem complicated. However, for how long he has known this girl for, he knows what to expect.

He pulls a aluminum wrapper he had placed in his bag. "Sorry for the wait. I brought you something."

Veronica grabs the bag and opens it to find peanut butter cups in it. It's her favorite. She takes a bite out of them, only to reach a ticket to flavor heaven. Despite the stern look she had been giving him, her face started to blush.

"Let me know if it's not good. I made them last night with the help of Teddy actually since he let me use his kitchen."

She smiles. Even though they've been dating for a while, it still feels like the same relationship but different. Every little thing he does feels more special.

"It's great! Thank you so much, Mo! It….means a lot actually."

Marcus's heart skips a beat or four. "Shall we head to the cafe?"

"Of course." They start hand holding together into downtown Dallas. The city appears more bustling as they walk to their favorite cafe spot.

On the way, they come across three students wearing the same maroon school uniform that their school has. It seems they are King's Academy students as well. They suddenly start blocking their path. Veronica looked pissed at their refusal to move from the spot.

"Listen imbécils, if you don't move from this spot, I will personally kick your member so hard your future children will just evaporate."

"Calm down Veron-"

"Mo, I've already had a bad day. Let just give them a piece of my-"

"No." Marcus's tone started getting more serious. "What I'm saying is let me give them a piece of my mind."

He starts walking towards one of the guys.


He stares right up at the guy.

"Hey. Both you and your other guy's shoes are untied."

They look down in confusion. Easiest trick in the book.

They both swiftly receive a gut punch that causes severe pain. They both wince on the ground.

"At least this muscle is counting for something. So glad no cops were here or this could have gotten ugly." He turns to Veronica. "You alright V?"

"Y-y-yeah I'm great!" Marcus smiles. Veronica gets more embarrassed at her flusterness. Suddenly, a mysterious voice rings through the street.

"Dang, we missed the carnage. I was hoping to see the look of the other squad in action but I guess I have to wait till the match.", the voice says.

Marcus and Veronica turn around. Marcus looks in fear before his face then starts contouring in unyielding rage.

"It's you!"

"Miss me, meek little Marcus?"

Looking at the familiar person to Marcus, it was a female student with brown hair placed in a wavy lob with white complexion. Alongside her were two male students, seemingly looking like henchmen.

"You were in Raymond's clique!"

"Wait…you don't know our names?"

"Can't seem to say I do." Marcus places his hand on his nape. "Y'all were kinda in the background and kinda unforgettable.

That comment seemed to set the trio off. They started yapping like aggressive chihuahuas hounding at a next door neighbor.

Marcus grabs Veronica's hand and starts running in the opposite direction.

Veronica, confused, asks, "Wait, where are we going?"

"Far away from them! Besides, I now got somewhere I wanna take you." He gives her a wink.

"HEY STOP THEM!" The trio rushes at the two but due to Marcus's endurance, they manage to outrun the three.

They reach the downtown park in the heart of the city panting after the long run they just took to get aware of the three students. Veronica places her hand on her chest to try and catch her breath. Marcus places his hands on his knees.

"Whew, I think I just hit a new running speed after that. Seems those morning runs with Teddy weren't for nothing." Marcus said. "You alright, V?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

He leads her to a bench to go and relax a little.

"Stay there, I'll go get us something. My treat."

She nods. For her, this is more than enough. She just wanted to be with him and that's all that mattered.

"My, my. Seems love truly blossoms in the fall." a familiar voice said.

She sighs, known full well whose voice that belongs to. "Do you like eavesdropping on people, Ted?"

"I was just in the park to relive that cool breeze that's slowly developing here in Northern Texas." Teddy smirks. "Gotta say it has to suck being near the gulf for those guys at Carter High. It's probably still hotter than a mug."

She can feel a vein popping. "Can you leave me be? I'm trying to have a date with Mo."

"Sure, I'll get out your hair. I wish you both the best of luck at the upcoming match. I hope you've been practicing, cause from the looks of it, those students from Raymond's old group are coming for Marcus's head."

She becomes concerned. "What do you mean?"

His face becomes more serious "You know their true foe is me, I'm the guy that ruined their chances on the team. They could care less about Marcus, he's just going to be a casualty in their crusade against me. They are going to torment him in that court." He pauses for a minute. "Welp, not it concerns me! Not like I can do anything I'll just be watching haha! Free entertainment for meee!"

Veronica can't believe he's talking like that. It's like he doesn't care. "How can you say that?! Isn't he your friend?"

"Aren't you his girlfriend?" There is a brief silence among them. "Listen, the most I can give him is some advice. However, you are going to be on the same team. If he was in your predicament, what would he do?"

"He would fight alongside me to the best of his ability!"

"Ding ding, exactly!" Teddy gives her a thumbs up "Besides, knowing his progress in his skills, he might just be the one helping you. Just do what is best! Welp, sayonara, I got to help the FFA club out with something!"

Teddy leaves. She is left to pause thinking about what Teddy says.

"I need to help Marcus no matter what." she thinks to herself.

Suddenly, Marcus comes with two cups and a plastic bag wrapped around his arm.

"Sorry, a rude lady held me up and she ended up causing a whole ruckus in the store."

"No…." She blushes, "it's okay if you took your time."

She grabs her cups to reveal some boba tea. She begins to start sipping from the straw. Immediately, she feels refreshed and cares start to fade away like magic.

"It's great, huh? You know after this game, Halloween is on it's way soon. We need to figure out costumes or some…."

Her hand is suddenly grabbing his.

"Marcus…no matter what….I'm gonna help you win this match….no matter what!"

"Woah, where did this fire come from?"

"From the beginning of our relationship, I was always in the driver's seat. Now I'm dealing with feelings and I'm confused.

He grabs her hands a little together. "I'm not going to lie, I'm confused on where the relationship is gonna go. But I'm happy and I'm glad you want to win this as bad as I do. You and I can do anything! Otherwise, we wouldn't haven't this far right?

"Marcus…" Their eyes lock in on each other. No matter what they try to look at, they can't keep them off each other.

"Marcus…would you be mad if I wanted a smooch?"

"Heh. There's no guy in the world who would be mad if their girlfriend wanted to kiss them, especially someone like you.

They lips lock on to each other for a second, but it feels like an eternity to them. Meanwhile, behind a small bush, resides Jonathan and Taigen. Their faces have dropped tremendously.

"I'm so proud of my lad!" Jonathan says with a tear.

"....Lucky." Taigen says.

In another location near the school dorms, Teddy rings a doorbell which alters the people in the dorm. The dorm slowly opens.

"Thanks, Teddy! Means a lot!"

"Anything to get extra exercise!"

He immediately heads out to his dorm.

"Good luck, Marcus. This is a challenge you'll have to do without my help. I expect great things…."