Battle The Cyclopes

Immediately it was morning, the two boys set off to leave. The old man even offered them breakfast but they refused. After all, they were still didn't understand how they slept off so easily last light.

Alex thought the chocolate was drugged and waking up, the first thing he checked was his private organ, after all, he'd heard of monsters that like 'playing' with little boys' stuffs. And once confirming everything was still intact, he could only assume they were really stressed out.

The old man watched them disappear in the distance by the door. Once they were full out of his sight, he headed inside.

After sitting, he picked up the remote and was about to switch on the TV when he noticed something.

"Who's there?" he was about to check the door when the door flung open, completely detaching itself from the hinge. And there standing was a red eyed giant.

- - -

At the same time…

"Shit we didn't even know his name" Alex realized, "I was beginning to like him. What do you think D?"

"I think there's no use knowing his name. After all … weird." All of a sudden, Dylan stopped moving.

"That's weird," He repeated.

"What's wrong, D man?"

"Can't you feel it?"

"Feel what?" Alex closed his eyes and concentrated on his senses, heightening them to the extreme. Only then could he feel something…no some things.

"I…W…Shit! The old man!"

- - - -

"Fucking shit!" Alex could not help but curse as soon as they got to the house they only left minutes ago. The door was completely missing like it was bulldozed away. And inside, they could see the old man, completely unrecognizable.

He was lying in a pool of his own blood, with splashes even painting the wall. His clothes were in rags, his limbs bent in angles that were impossible for normal human being. From the contortion of his face, one would know he was in great pain before he died.

"Fucking shit!" Alex repeated for the fiftieth time "What the fuck am I seeing right now."

"Alex, the language," Dylan warned

Not long after, they got to know the culprits behind the murder.

"Oh man! This ain't looking good one bit. To think that I was actually expecting a promotion after we apprehend them, without knowing they've actually escaped," A clearly frustrated voice came from one of the rooms.

"So you're still worried about a shitty promotion when you should be worried about your rank. Have you thought of what the boss would do once we return to him without the demigods? After we boasted so much? If only the old man cooperated, If only he told us where the two… wait a sec," He began the sniff the air, "I think I can small…"

And there they were.


"Oh man, are me dreaming right now?" The first one rubbed his eyes to see if the image in front of his would disappear, "They can't possibly be here, right?"

"Oh my T!!!" H e screamed after confirming it was real, "The actually came back here" he smiled, his lips almost reaching from ear to ear.

"This is the best day of my life"

Likewise, Alex and Dylan just stood there not knowing what to do. They only rushed here when they noticed something amiss, but no that they were here, what should they do?

Should they fight?

Should they run?

Judging from the things they overheard, then these monsters were most likely sent by the mistress. Perhaps, they should just run away.

Alas, before they could materialize their thoughts, the monsters began to walk to them, slowly.

"look here kids, I'm not one for violence but if you do not cooperate…" He looked at the corpse of the old man, trying to intimidate the boys, "this is what happens."


Alex and Dylan were frozen. As the monsters moved out of the shadows, they finally realized what they were. Cyclopes.

They were humanoid, the only differences between them and humans being their unnatural height –over 7 feet tall, their super bulging muscles that would put a wrestler to shame, and the fact that they only had a single eye located on their forehead.

"I am Kotis, and this here," he pointed at his companion, "He is…"

"I am Lotis, but my friends came Lot, because I have lots of lot…"

Kotis palmed his face, his large eye blinking several times as he shook his head.

"How many times must I tell you to stop saying that? You'll end up chasing them away with your jokes."

"What? Isn't it right for them to know their killer before they die, no?"

"Point of correction, brother dear. We're not here to kill. Apprehend. Just apprehend, that's all the boss said and we'll do just that. Of course, except if they try to resist which I'm sure they would."

He threw two cuffs at them and yawned.

"Let's make this fast."

Alex and Dylan stared at the cuffs not knowing what to do with them.

"Just tie yourselves up so you'll leave here with 'minimal' injuries."

"Are you guys the only ones here." Dylan suddenly asked.

The Cyclopes brothers looked at each other with slightly confused expressions.

"If I said yes, what would you do?"

"Kill you!"

Dylan immediately took out his daggers and ran straight at the Cyclops.

Alex could only shake his head as he also took out his sword. Dylan may look calm and frail on the outside, but sometimes he acts like a freaking battle maniac.

Dylan's action took the Cyclopes by surprise and Lotis ended with a deep wound on his arm.

"Oh G! This hurts," Lotis screamed as he caressed his wound which was already emitting white fumes.

"Just take out the other guy!" Kotis screamed trying to squash Dylan with his club, which Dylan as expected was able to dodge easily.

Lotis came out of his stupor only to be welcomed by a blade, almost stabbing him in the face. He held the sword with his bare hands, his fingers almost cutting off.

But instead of crying in pain, Lotis only smiled.

"I don't know what that guy put in his knife, but you look pretty…."

Alex said nothing and only focused his godly energy on his hand then transferring it to the blades of his sword. He waited for Lotis to scream as his hand burnt, but nothing happened.

"Ha-ha!" Lotis laughed on feeling the tingling feeling around his fingers. "Just so you know before you die, we Cyclopes are immune to extreme heat and something as small as…"

"You talk too much!"

A barricade of punches landed on his face, stunning him enough to let go of the sword. It was a surprise Alex managed to land a hit on Lotis face considering the fact that Lotis was almost twice his size.


A loud voice clearly that of Kotis distracted them.

Even after five minutes, he still had not managed to land a single hit on Dylan, while his body on the other hand was filled with cuts and wounds.

Suddenly Kotis's eyes began to redden, smokes puffing out and with a thunderous howl, red beams shot out toward Dylan.

Dylan tried evading, but the attack was truly unexpected, so…


Dylan was blasted to the other end of the room.

"Shit! Dylan," Alex ran to where Dylan landed only to see him already getting up. His cloth was severely burnt and on his shoulder, Alex could see a big hole, blood gushing out.

"Stay still," Alex poured a portion of some self made healing herbs and casted a golden light on it.

In a speed visible to the human eyes, Dylan's wound began to close. Dylan opened his eyes.

"We have to deal with them fast. I can sense more coming." He stood up, "Play time is over."

Dylan rushed into a room and destroyed the light illuminating it. Alex also ran outside, where the sunlight could bathe his skin.

The Cyclopes brothers looked at each other"They're clearly planning something, but whatever it is, we'll get them," Kotis said, "The others already know about them being here. And I'm not ready to share the profits."

KOtis followed Dylan while Lotis followed Alex outside.

"look here kid, if you think…" Lotis was still saying when a golden blade landed on his shoulder.

Even before he could recover from that, he was again greeted wit h three more golden blades. Two hit his chest and one completely missed.

"You are really annoying," Lotis hissed, his eyes also emitting red light. But knowing what the lasers could do, Alex wasn't foolish enough to give him a chance to use it.

Seconds ago, the lasers were charging up but suddenly dimmed as a golden blade pierced his eye.

This place is an advantage to me. Unlike you humans, I can see as clearly in the dark as I can in the day. Do you think I wouldn't be able to find you?"

Kotis was currently in the same dark room as Dylan. His eyes searched every corner, and there, he could see the little creature hiding behind a set of furniture.

"Gat ya!"

Kotis swung his club at a speed Dylan would never be able to avoid. And just like Kotis expected, the club hit Dylan.

He closed his eyes expecting blood to splash on his face, but realized his club just phase through Dylan like he was a shadow.


Kotis was confused. He was sure it was Dylan he hit, why then…

"On your right!"

Kotis blocked with his club but no attack came from his right, intead it came from his left.

"GAH!!!" Kotis screamed as a deep cut was made on his neck, black blood spurting out.

Dylan immediately hid I the shadows, waiting for the next opportunity to strike.

Kotic roared, one hand on his neck and the other waving his club wildly.

"Come out here and fights like the man you claim you are!" Kotic continued to swing his club, destroying everything in the room and yet, not for once hitting its target.

"I'm just fourteen, who said I'm a man?"

Dylan's voice came from his back. Kotic tried to block, but again, it was too late. The wound on his neck became deeper.

Dylan waited for Kotis to drop dead but he underestimated the durability of Kotis. Kotis still held his neck, trying to fill the hole with his fingers.

Dylan only sighed and decided to end deal a finishing blow. He jumped out ready to cut of Kotis' head. But like Kotis was expecting it, he immediately turned, his large fist connecting with Dylan's ribs. Dylan crashed through the wall.

HE pulled off his jacket as his hand went to the side of his stomach. He however stood up immediately Kotis entered the room, his eyes searching every corner.

Even Dylan was still surprised that he was still breathing. The blood he had lost was enough to form a river yet he could still walk.

Dylan clutched his daggers tightly, gritting his teeth as he stood up. He once again charged at Kotis, with the Cyclops trying to swat him, but with his slow the attack was, Dylan dodged and plunged his daggers into Kotis's chest. He repeated this several times, his face painted black.

It took another thirty minutes before Kotis finally dropped to the floor, lifeless.


Alex was ready to go see how Dylan was fairing when Dylan walked out, limping and holding the side of his stomach.

Alex assisted him

"You're hurt. Let me…"

"It's okay. It's just a few broken bones, it'll heal with time." Dylan pushed Alex, standing on his own.

"But still…" Alex was adamant. His hands were already lighting up.

"Keep your energy, they're almost here," Dylan said and began running. He almost tripped a few times, but still managed to keep his footing.


"I've found nothing, still. Apart from the whole house being a mess, a dead human, and the corpse of the two Cyclopes, nothing more."

Someone said as he hanged up and began to look around the room. His eyes once again found its way to the dead Cyclopes.

After boating of your mightiness, you end up getting killed by two unclaimed mutts," He spat on Kotis's corpse.

"But still, there has to be someth…"

His eye soon found its way to something. He picked it up and smiled

He whistled sharply and a dog rushed into the room. It's skin was red, it's veins showing as it pulsated with a kind of red energy.

"This should belong to one of them," The creature said and placed the piece of cloth on the nose of the hound, "Follow this scent."

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *