
"I'm sure we're almost there." Dylan breathed out, "The woman said once we get to the park, we'll through an alleyway and we'll get there."

This was a few weeks ago, not long after Alex and Dylan met each other. The two were doing what they usually would when they are not killing or trying to get killed; walking around, but for once, they actually an aim.

The two kept walking as Dylan recited the directions they were given to the residence of the Seer.

"Come on D, I think we've over stayed our welcome in this place. We've been in this area for a straight day, and you know what that means." Alex complained.

Back then they didn't know they were demigods, but one thing they were sure of; they were monster magnets. No matter where they run to or hide, they were bound to encounter monsters. And due to this, the two couldn't just afford to stay in an area for too long as that would only attract more monsters.

But even after spending almost a day in the same area, looking for the Seer, they hadn't encountered a single monster, which was putting Alex more on the edge.

Alex could have tried leaving Dylan on his own but found himself unable to do so because of more reasons than one.

First, he would probably have been dead by now if not for Dylan. He literally owed is life and this was the least he could do to show gratitude.

Second, Even if he left Dylan, he doubted if he would be able to survive on his own for more than a week. Dylan was a always a level above him.

His fighting skills were top notch, his senses were sharper and he basically had more experience in getting just what they needed, like food. In short, Alex's best chance of survival was with Dylan.

"And, here we are," Dylan looked up at the almost run down building in front of him with a signboard confirming this was indeed, the Seer's residence.

Alex was disappointed. He was expecting to see a big building with hundreds of people lining up to see the so called Seer, but from what he was seeing, it didn't even look like the place had welcomed a single human for a decade. Alex was suddenly starting to have a bad feeling about this.

Dylan was certainly not bothered as he knocked on the door. It took a couple of minutes before a muffled reply came from the other end and the door clicked open.

A man around fifty appeared on the other side. His hair and beard were rough, and Alex could even see the sign of drooling on his rough face.

The man looked at the two teenagers from up to down and repeated the process a few more times and said in a voice that didn't really sound welcoming. "I don't think I have ever seen these faces. How may I help you."

"We're here to see the Seer," Dylan answered with a smile.

The man's eyes widened, "The seer? Give me a sec."

He shot the door in their faces. They began to hear noised from the other side. And soon after the noise stopped, the door once again opened up.

It was the same man, but he looked oddly different. His hair was now combed, his eyes very awake. He now also wore a long blue robe and a staff in his hand.

"Come in, come in," He ushered them in, but before they could even take a step in, he blocked them with his palms opened.

"Entry fee,"

"How much?" Dylan asked.

"Five bucks,"

"Shit! Are we trying to see the president? You're just an ordinary man claiming to see…the future. We aren't even sure if it's true."

The man just frowned, "If you are not interested in my service, you can take your leave."

"Come on Dylan, let's leave…"

"It's okay Alex," Dylan said and stretched some money at the man, "I'm sorry sir, but we only have three bucks with us right now."

The man scratched his chin and looked up so they could think he was thinking thoroughly, but in truth, he was smiling wildly inside of him.

"Looks like I've hit a jackpot today" He thought.

"Okay, I'll take it just because you're kids." He snatched the cash from Dylan and matched them inside…a desolate room. The only furniture that could be found in the room was a small couch built to look like a throne, a table and a long bench.

"Now may I ask," The man said in a deep tone, which was a contrast to the one they heard earlier, "May I ask why the two of you are here,"

"I'm sorry, but it's confidential information. We can only tell that to the seer."

The man rolled his eyes, "Are you blind. Can't you see who is seated before you?"

"I…am sorry." Dylan stuttered, speechless.

"By the way, I am Zrey the great seer and I'm wondering what the two of you are doing here." Zrey smiled warmly, "After all, it's not every day someone comes looking for a Seer."

"And may I also ask why this place is so…poorly managed, "Alex said, "I expected to see a lot of people gathered here but from what I'm seeing –." Alex said looking around the place, for anything that is related to extraordinary in the thinnest ratio.

"Great Seer," Dylan bowed before seating on the bench which gave out squeaking sound, "We want to know what the future holds for us."

Dylan still wanted to say more but decided to hold it in for the time being. Alex also sat beside him, not without checking if the bench could actually hold the weight of the both of them. And it wasn't a surprise considering how skinny they both were."

"Well, that's just how my job…my task is." Zrey said, "You see, knowing the future isn't a good thing. Most of the time, it leads to bigger disaster which is why people hardly ever come around. So I ask, do you really want to know the future?"Dylan looked at Alex, the two conversing silently. After a moment, Alex said.

"If we decide to leave now, do we get back our money?"

Zrey smiled smugly, "You can forget about that,"

"Well then, we'll like to know our future."

"So how many years in the future would you like to see?" Zrey said, "Each ten years requires one bucks each."

"What, you're a fraud." Alex almost attacked Zrey, "Isn't that too much. And we already gave you the last cash we have with us. Are you saying the entry fee we pay is now a waste?"

Zrey was clearly disappointed by Alex's behavior, "I never said that. If you know you have no money, then you can go for the ten year term."

Alex looked at Dylan who only shrugged his shoulder.

"I real lido not think it's a bad idea. We're ready."

"Okay, who wants to see his future?"

The two held confused expression, "The both of us?"

"I'm sorry, that would require extra fee." Z



"You big mouth…"

Alex wanted to let out a few curses at the man, but Zrey's voice silenced him.

"It's okay. Since this is your first time I can let the two of you have a go. Who knows if the two of you could become potential customers in the future?"



"Ooookay," Zrey dropped a large orb on the table and pointed to Alex. "Just place your hands on it."

Alex looked at Dylan and after a reassuring nod; Alex proceeded to place his hand on the orb. Immediately the orb began to glow, Zrey placed his hand on top Alex's and began to chant in an unknown language.

Suddenly, a wave passed through Alex's body and it looked like Zrey also felt it as he released his grip from Alex's fingers and jumped back a few meters.

"I saw it, your future. Your future is as white as black. I see suffering and despair. You will face numerous trials and be subjected to many betrayals and eventually die a very painful death."

Cold sweat ran down Alex's spine. He was hugging the wall so tightly the frail wall was already giving cracking sounds.

"W…was that meant to be a joke?" He stammered. But there was something about Zrey's words, this conviction. The words stung the deepest part of his heart, and why did he feel like…it was the truth.

Zrey then turned to Dylan and motioned for him to place his hand on the orb. After witnessing what the Seer had for Alex, Dylan suddenly didn't feel like knowing his future. But did he have a choice? Yes he did, but still he moved closer and placed his hand ever so slowly on the orb. The orb lit up and Zrey did the same thing he did with Alex; placing his hands on top and chanting.

All of a sudden, he went silent. Dylan waited and waited for Zrey to drop the bombshell but even after a full minute, Zrey still didn't utter a single word, but only continued staring at Dylan.

"You, you," Zrey stuttered, "This is the first time it has ever happened. What exactly are you?"

"What's wrong?" Dylan managed to utter a word. He still had that strange feeling inside of him, and judging from the way Zrey was behaving, then what he saw about his future was probably worst than what he saw about Alex.

Zrey opened his mouth t speak, but no word came out. Finally he managed to speak.

"Your future. I couldn't read it," Zrey shook his head, "No, I could read it but I could barely understand a thing. Your future…is as complicated as a bicycle."

"There's more," Dylan said staring deep at Zrey, "There's more to what you say, right?"

Zrey tried to look away, but was unable to.

"Sacrifice, darkness and death. That's what I saw. Where ever you go, there will be destruction. With your presence comes Death."

"You lie!" A thunderous roar suddenly shook the house as Alex lunged at the old man, "Tell me everything you said was a lie. There's no way that's what the future holds for us. That's impossible."

Zrey only shook his head as he tried to loosen Alex's grip on his collar.

"I warned you. Knowledge has always been a curse to the powerless. It's better to stay ignorant than know and be unable to do anything, as the knowledge will continue to haunt you for the rest of your life." Zrey said, "Looking into the future hardly ever turn out good. That's why –."

Alex threw his hard on the ground.

"Nonsense. You speak rubbish."

Alex didn't know why he was going crazy, but he could only guess it was because of the feeling he had that Zrey was absolutely right.

Zrey on the other hand tried to stand. He didn't realize a boy as young as Alex could have a raw power enough to rival than of a grown adult. And when he finally did, something strange happened.

It felt like time stopped. They could suddenly see everything in a slow motion. First it started as a small glow, hardly noticeable at the center of the room, but then it grew larger and larger that it sent series of shockwave in every direction.

The wave destroyed everything within 50 meters radius. The table, the bench they were sitting on, the whole house and everything that existed all disappeared. Or more precisely, they burst and scattered into thousands tiny particles, not even leaving an ash.

But surprisingly, apart from the three of them were well and fine. The wave just passed through them like they didn't exist, not even rippling a thing as light as their hair or the helm of their clothes.

Green smoke began to form at the top of Zrey's head, taking the shape of a serpent. The green serpent sank into Zrey's mouth and Zrey jolted backward. His eyes turned dark green, green smoke escaped his nostrils whenever he breathed out and green smoke came out of his mouth as he opened it to speak.

In a voice clearly not his, he spoke:

Light and darkness;

Together to save the one in distress;

A fight for and against a parent;

To save or doom the planet;

It was obvious there was still more for Zrey to say, but the green snake was suddenly yanked out of his body and he collapsed soon after.

The whole place was silent. Everything around them was desolate, not ruined, but empty. The two teenagers didn't understand what happened, but one person did.

"That feeling. It was different, strange, but I recognize it. It's the ancient spirit," Zrey thought, "Is this it's way of accepting me?"

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *