A New Olympian

Somewhere far away, where the eyes of no mortal could reach; they were gathered.

They were all people with different faces, different skin colors, different view of the world and pretty much everything else about them was vastly different. But if there was anything that all of them had in common; it was the strange but very powerful aura brimming around them. This aura Was capable of tearing any other living thing within a hundred kilometer radius to them in fine pieces. That is because these people are beings known as gods.

Ad they were gathered here once again for their annual meeting. Currently there were over two hundred gods on this room, all brimming with pride and confidence. In front of them were three seats set aside for their 'leaders'. And the gods could see one of the seats empty, which was confusion to them.

But do they really care? All they wanted was to get over with this goddamned meeting so they could descend back into the mortal realm.

The other two leaders whispered to each other before one of them stood up. Immediately he stood, all the other gods kept quiet and focused.

"Okay! I'm sure you can all see one of us is missing, but I guess we can't really wait after all we all have important stuffs to do down there. So, let the meeting starts," He said and paused for about ten seconds before continuing to address the crowd. "I know we still have pending discussions from the last gathering and even new ones, but that will have to wait because…today is a special day. That is because we will be having a special guest in our midst. Everyone, please welcome…"


A deafening sound reverberated all around the room, shaking it to the root. Blue dust rose up from nowhere and when it settled, there was a pavement that seemed to have appeared from nowhere, and standing on it…was a man, a god.

The pressure seeping out from him alone was enough to make almost half of the gods gathered there go down on their knees. That was just how much the gap of power between them was.

As it settled, the gods began to look at the man that seemingly appeared from nowhere. The god appeared to be a young man with his golden hairs tied in locks. He was wearing travelers' clothes and a petatus. He waved his staff a few times in the air, probably as a way of greeting; making the two snakes coiled around it almost slip off. Strangely enough, on his feet was a pair of Nike sandals. Except the logo was replaced by a set of wings.

Everyone present at the meeting recognized this god, why won't they, when he was …

"…an Olympian?"

The whole room was suddenly filled with chatters and murmurs, and a wave of emotion. Some were scared, some panicked some almost fainted, while others were just filled with curiosity.

After all, all of them gathered there were considered Minor Gods, and the one in front of them was one of the most ancient gods with unparalleled powers.

"I bring to you good news," Hermes, the god on the stand declared in a thunderous voice. The pressure in the room increased by 90 degrees and some gods were even finding it difficult to breathe properly. "Something that in history had never happened,"

There was silence, nobody daring to utter a single word as Hermes looked round the room.

"It's truly surprising how so many gods could be gathered in one place without a fight breaking out," Hermes muttered, but to the congregation, it didn't seem like one because they could hear it loud and clear.

Hermes faced the crown once again. "All you all know that one of us; the Olympians have…how do I put it…retired."

There were a few gasps in the air. Even though it had happened more than a decade ago, there were still some that were unaware of the news since they had just evolved into godhood.

"We as Olympians have lived on with just twelve members, but there is a reason why we have always been twelve; something that can't be achieved with eleven members. So I thereby bring the news from the King himself"

Thunder boomed in the sky as Hermes said that. Some of the gods even felt their bones shattering from the seemingly non-existent shockwave. "We have decided to accept a new god into our midst; a god who would thereby be named the new Olympian."

Hermes hadn't even let that settle before he dropped another one.

"By the solstice, there will be a contest between you minors to determine who will be extremely lucky…or fated to become the next Olympian. You, you , you " Hermes repeated the word 'you' over a hundred times as he pointed at each and every god present there in the gathering, "You are powerful, but never had the chance to showcase it. Here is your chance."

With that, Hermes disappeared along with his, the frightening pressure also dispersed, but the air remained tensed. Hermes words still rang in their ears, the rush of power still felt in their veins. Some could even his words still hanging in the air.

Within microseconds, the news circulated round the immortal realm. Why wouldn't it, when something that had never happened in eons was about to repeat itself.

The first and the last time something like this happened was when the goddess Hestia relieved her seat for the god Dionysus. But even then, there was no contest.

"You are powerful." The words of the god Hermes.

"Does that mean they have been watching us for years, and now are planning to give us a chance to flaunt our powers?" One of the gods wondered aloud and a load of others nodded affirmatively.

And now they were given the chance to show their might before the Most ancient and powerful family of Gods. They would finally have a chance to visit the Most famous place in the world; Olympus. They would stand in the presence of the King himself.

Some of the newer gods felt their teeth chattering at this discovery. Even though, the most some of them could do was put some mortals to sleep, the thought of being in the presence of the King alone, was enough to become their immortal life ambition.

And for the stronger ones, the ones that truly believed in their strength.

Finally, finally they had the chance to go higher. They would no longer be referred to as a Minor God."

- - - -

And somewhere else, in a house big enough to accommodate over a thousand people, was a single man seated on a golden couch. Perhaps, it was better to call it a throne.

The news had spread so fast it had even reached the ears of every god, spirit, and even monsters in the mortal realm. And this particular man also know about it.

He frowned, his perfect face wrinkled as he seemed to have aged a few more hundred years in just two seconds.

"I…I know you have been losing it lately. But this…this is just insane. What exactly are you planning, Father?"

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *