Maximum Capacity

The monsters that were gathered in one area soon dispersed as the five minute timer was almost over. Instead saying scattered, it was more like they arranged themselves into battle ranks.

The two sides now faced each other; weapons ready and their eyes all looking at the same place – the timer; which now displayed 00:32

The battle zone was silent except for the ding the timer gave each time it counted down a second. But soon, another sound followed. It was also a ding, but longer; one that everyone had been anticipating.

Immediately the glass barrier rose, the whole arena that had been quiet and subtle was immediately drowned in noise and chaos.

"Sword clashed;

Blood splashed;

Some laughed;

Some died;"

Alex chuckled silently as the thought of what he was currently seeing came to his mind in form of a song. He tried to follow up the line but ended up messing it up.

"Ptf. What are you laughing about" Harry asked curiously as he saw Alex giggling.

"It's nothing." Alex laughed it off, "I'm just thinking of how the facility captures so many monsters."

A lour roar distracted them. They looked and saw a group of monsters with extremely big heads running toward them.

"Come on, time to have some fun." Harry shouted as he clashed with the monsters head on.

Harry waded through the enemies, his two swords whirling and chopping off heads and limbs until he looked like he'd been playing paint ball. It was disgusting. And Horrifying.

He turned back at them and yelled at the top of his lungs, "Come on guys, you're seriously missing out."

"That tanned boy is right!" Bab said and held his mace that was almost as big as him with one hand. "Let's join the party."

He ran off, bellowing some sort of war cry.

"Am I the only one than thinks that song tune sounds familiar" Alex thought, trying to remember where he'd heard the tune. "Yes, I remember now. It was in Tarzan…"

Alex turned to look at Dylan …but no one was there.

"Uh…D?" Alex then unsheathed his long sword, looked through the chaotic battlefield, and soon found his target.

"That's right; all of us are battle freaks!"

* * * *

In a dark room dimly lit by the screens of several monitors, was a man speedily typing away on about ten keyboards at once?

He was so carried away with what he was doing that he didn't notice that the door to the room had opened up and a figure dressed in black - clad outfit with golden stripes and patterns on his sleeves and mask walk in.

"How are the subjects doing?" The man typing jumped in fright but as soon as he saw who it was that talked, his shoulder loosened and he faced the monitors, looking at all of them at once like he had multiple eyes.

"So far, there have been doing great. Looks like the 82 percent intelligence were a good idea; they're not too hard to deal with, and at this rate the mutts will kill them all in a few minutes and then we'll begin the second phase." The man reported as he continued typing on.

"Ah, I don't think that'll be fun enough." The Red Shadow Ninja said. "Once the numbers on both sides are even, increase the beasts' capabilities to the max…"

The man looked up at a monitor screen that showed two numbers on separate sides. The one on the right side showed 144 while the one on the left side displayed 239. But with the rate at which it was decreasing, it would soon catch up to the one on the right, which for once had not decreased.

The Red Shadow Ninja leaned closer to the man and whispered softly and slowly. "Increase their capabilities to the maximum."

"But wouldn't that be too much for the kids to handle. Some might die."

"Ptf. There have always been deaths. And when do you start caring if they die or nor?" The Red Shadow Ninja asked, "And look, if what we're planning with these beasts work out, don't you think they will make a better weapons that those unclaimed children of some shitty minor deity?"

The man said nothing and only whirled his chair to face a different screen; a different machine. He began to type some things and pulled a few switches and each time he did, words that made no sense to a normal human would appear on the screen above it.

{Intelligence: 82% – 100%}

{Power: 55% - 100%}

{Agility: 70% - 100}

…and lastly

{Mana: 0% - 100%}

Seeing this, the Red Shadow Ninja laughed heartedly and stood up to leave but stopped short as soon as he was about to open the door. He then began to walk back and sat on his seat.

"That reminds me; I heard you guys captured two mutts earlier today."

"Yes, we did."

"And what about them? Have you looked up on their information?" The Red Shadow Ninja asked.

"Yes, I did and I found something very interesting about them."

"Is that so?" The Red Shadow Ninja leaned backward on his seat and looked up at the screen that now displayed 142:139.

"…tell me about them."

* * * *

The situation on the battlefield was chaotic to say the least, but at the same time, thrilling, to say the least. Even Alex and Dylan had killed quite a number of monsters that they were now also soaked in the black blood of the monsters. The monsters that were five times the number of the demigods when the battle started were now reduced to only over a hundred.

It looked like everybody had forgotten that they were supposed to be playing 'Capture the Swag' and had taken it to be 'Kill these Damn Monsters'

Blood flowed like a black stream, limbs littered everywhere like junks. Dead bodies lay wasted on the ground but if one looked at all of them, they wouldn't find a single demigod among them. All the dead bodies were monsters.

The demigods whose white and blue made them look like little saints now looked like heinous devils with their shirts and even skins soaked with black blood.

Yes, there were a few dots of red here and there but it was subtle compared to the amount of black blood visible. After all with the overwhelming amount of monsters, it was impossible to remain unscathed.

But all that changed when all the monsters froze for a moment and let out a ground shaking growl in unison

"Ptf. These monsters are even weaker that the ones we've always killed…" A boy laughed and attacked the monster with his axe, decapitating it in a single blow.

At least, that was what he imagined doing but was surprised as his sword only bounced back and even made a clanging noise like it hit a fellow metal.

"What?" Saying the boy was shocked was an understatement. It was the same move he had always used to kill the monsters and never for once had he found any resistance. Why…?

Before he knew it, the monster opened his mouth wider and wider until it was wide enough to fit in two baseballs in it, and shutting them faster than the boy's brain could register.

The last thing the boy saw and perceived were the gigantic row of teeth and the pungent smell coming from the throat of the lungs of the monster as his headless body soon fell to the floor; completely void of life.

At the same time, in another area, something similar happened. With a monster killing another demigod easily.

After this, the demigods knew something was not right and subconsciously began to gather in an area. The battle which had been one soded was now beginning to, no was already even and if care was not taken, it would once again become one sided battle… with the demigods on the losing side.

"Fuck! What is happening now?" Harry's frustrated voice almost covered the roar of the monsters. "Why does the monster now look like superman next to the sun while we feel like we're placed next to a meteorite?"

"Who are you asking now? You know we're as curious as you are!" Bab's speaker loud voice made the monsters roar inexistent. Bab soon followed up with his hand raised and he smacked Harry at the back of his head. It was a simple slap for Bab, but to Harry, it felt like someone dropped a mountain on his head. He even staggered and would probably have fallen to the floor if not for Dylan who was there to assist him.

"But you're right. That monster survived my punch. I used like 40% of my full strength and it can still walk? That's the most humiliating thing that has happened to me this entire year." Bab punched his fists together as some sort of way to prove his annoyance.

Not just the demigods, but the monsters also gathered themselves in the middle of their zones; with a large monster barking out orders. And soon, the two monsters faced each other again, but this time, the demigods weren't so confident. A few had attacked the monsters and were well aware of their strange boost in power.

Both sides' were tense and it didn't take up the heating up tension to flare up with a spark. But unlike before where the monsters just attacked the person closest to them; this time it looked like they were carefully picking their opponents.

So, Alex and the rest found two monsters running toward them. One of them was as big as a house and was…UGLY! It kept bulldozing its way toward them, throwing anything in its path in the air like a piece of paper. The other one was smaller and swift, and even when it got attacked by other demigods; it just ignored it all and kept running toward the group, with its eyes fixed on one person in particular…

"Why do I have this feeling that that monster is looking at me?" Alex rubbed his arm up and down.

And soon it was confirmed. As soon as the monster got within fitteen meters to them, its body began to change color as golden light radiated from it.

"I understand Bab keeping it a secret since his brother here is probably the most disgusting thing in the world…" Dylan said to which got him a death stare from Bab. This was actually the first time Bab was hearing him speak, and unlike Harry whom he had always known, he didn't know how to react to Dylan's utterance. Dylan then looked at Alex.

"But you Alex, you should have at least told me you have a brother. Is it because he isn't good enough?"

"Shut the fuck up! Everyone in my family is good looking. My mum is actually beautiful enough to win Miss America without even contesting; there no way she'll give birth to a fucking ugly shit like this." Alex shut back.

"…But Hera did, I'm sure you read it in the Greek myths…"

"My mum's no fucking Hera…" Alex then placed his right hand on his chin and thought loudly "But you're right. Why does this monster…have my powers?"

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *