I Don't Like it

"Y…you're joking right?" Harry's words were slurred. His shoulders that were almost as high as his head earlier was now slumped so bad you would think the weight of the world was pressed on them. "You don't actually mean it, do you?"

"Yes, we do!" Dylan said before once again before looking at Alex.

The whole hall was drowned in pin drop silence as Harry looked from Dylan to Alex.

After everything he'd told them and even what they experienced themselves, they still didn't like the place?

Free high quality food, free accommodation, free training facility, free gaming centre and extremely exhilarating evening games. What else did they want that they wouldn't get…except freedom. But that was subtle compared to every other thing they had access to in the facility.

"You see, Harry. We know this place is wonderful and all and we really enjoyed it." Dylan spoke softly, "But we don't believe this is the place for us. All we want is a peaceful life. Life free from any troubles what so ever; monsters, fighting, and killing. We don't want any of that."


Even Alex shook his head. It would appear that Dylan was one of the worst at lying so he decided to bail him out. "We are really short on time. We have to leave this place immediately or else in four days…" Alex choked on his words as he tried to speak, but couldn't bring himself to do so. Instead he just faced the ground and Harry could see drops of liquid splashing to the floor.

"His mother dies, or perishes, as he claims he heard." Dylan said with nothing as a tinge of emotion in it. "And after that, the world will get destroyed."

Even Bab now had his large eyes fixated on Dylan. He rarely heard Dylan talk but whenever he did, there was this tingling feeling he always got. Whatever it was, he didn't know."

Harry was now visible scratching the back of his head, "Now you're really confusing me."

"His mother has been captured by someone and we have four days…about three days now, left to save her." Dylan was looking at Alex. "At the same time, we also have to rescue a goddess or else the world ends."

Harry understood nothing they were saying; saving a goddess, the world ends, what the hell does all that mean? But the one and only thing he got was the fact that Alex's mother needed saving.

"There's no way you can leave, the Shadow Ninjas would never let that happen." Harry said in hope of convincing them, "Believe me when I say you should never think of escaping. I've been here longer and I've seen what they did to people that try to escape."

Alex looked at Dylan; disappointment printed on his face. They had thought about this too and weren't able to come up with any good idea. They had even gone round the facility to see if there was any other way to get out apart from the large metal door they entered through. But sadly, they found none.

"Alex, let's leave." Dylan tapped Alex's wrist but Alex still continued to look at Harry.

"Believe me, we would have done this without anyone knowing but we had no choice, "Alex could see a slight hesitation in Harry's voice when he spoke earlier, so surely, he was hiding something. "We were actually hoping you would have a way to assist us but since you don't…" He then nodded toward Dylan, "We'll have to use Plan B."

"Wait!" Harry shouted at the two who were already at the door. "You want to breakout, right? Well, count yourself lucky because you came to the right person."

Harry's shoulder once again began to swell when he saw the two stopping In their tracks. "Only I can help you leave this place."

Alex blinked a couple of times.

"You remember when I told you some people see this place as their home? Anyway, I'm one of them. You see, I've been here longer than anyone can think." He began to count with his fingers. "If I'm right, this should be the fourth year I'm spending in this place."

It might sound like a little time, but for a demigod, it was like a hundred years.

"I know every corner in this place and yes, there are secret passages everywhere." Harry strolled toward them. "But you see, there's a little problem…there are surveillance cameras everywhere and we have do something about that before we can leave."

"We?" Alex was taken aback by Harry's utterances, "I thought you like this so much. Why do you want to suddenly leave with us?"

"Well, you see –." Harry stuttered but before he could think of an excuse. The ground beneath his feet shook.

"I'm also coming with you!" Bab jumped to his feet and ran to them "I want to come with you guys!"




All eyes turned to him as he continued to glare at them with his hands crossed.

"I know we've not known each other for that long, but I also want…no I need to leave this place!" Bab lowered his voice. At least he thought he did, but to the others, it still felt like someone was hitting their eardrums with a sledge hammer. "I haven't realized it since, but i miss my families."

"Families?" Harry's eyes widened, "like plural? More than one?"

Bab ignored and only looked at Alex who didn't know what to say to this. In the end, he wasn't the only one to decide, so he turned to Dylan only to see him already walking away.

"Dyl –."

Dylan stopped and flipped the table in front of him…only to unveil an red haired curled up in a ball.

Without even wasting time, Dylan pointed his dagger at her head, the tip only inches from making contact with her skin.

"What do are you doing here?"

Kate felt a shiver run down her spine as she looked from the tip of the dagger to Dylan whose face held no expression.

The truth was, she was actually eavesdropping on their conversation. She knew it was very wrong after all her aunt always preached it to her of it.; but she couldn't help doing it just this once. She was very curious about these two new comers, especially Dylan.

During the Death game, when everyone was trying to chase down Ray, she quietly moved through the battlefield because if she moved too fast, her illusion might clear off. And judging from how much magic she put to conceal herself, it didn't look like there was anybody that would notice her. But one person did, and that is Dylan.

She saw as he just stood in a place and watched her return the swag to the stand. She had bombarded herself with illusion magic and for someone to notice her then he had to be very powerful…or very dangerous. She felt Dylan belonged to the second category.

That was the reason why she decided to eavesdrop on their conversation in hope of finding out who exactly they were.

Who knew he would see through her illusion again and now he was about to kill her.

Dylan looked at Alex. "What do we do with her?"

"End her!" Surprisingly it was Bab that spoke. Alex could see his hands shaking from anger as he gave the red haired girl a death stare. Kate looked at him and winked which only made Bab become even more furious. "Silence her. She'll tell the Shadow Ninjas about what we're planning. Quick, kill her!"

"Wait, wait." Kate quickly spoke up. Hearing Bab's words, she didn't know what to expect. Will they really kill to keep their plan secret? She couldn't tell if they would but seeing Dylan's face that held little to no expression, she didn't want to take any risk. She quickly began to think of how to bail her out, and she had an idea.

"Look, I heard what you are planning – everything."

"You see! Just kill her! She'll expose us!" Bab bellowed once again.

"And I can help you." She took a few breaths in, "You guys are planning to leave but you can't because of the surveillance cameras. But you see, my powers are just suitable for that. I can cast an illusion and they would never find out."

"Lies!" Baba yelled. "She'll trick us! She'll stab us in the back!'

"Hmmm. She's right." Harry placed his hand on his chin and looked the girl up and down. "With what she did back at the Arena, well we might be the perfect person after all."

Dylan first looked at Alex before sheathing his dagger and walked away. Only after he was gone did Kate heave a short but deep sigh of relief.

Dylan didn't talk to anybody, even Alex as he left the hall. Only the two of them were planning to do this at first but more and more people seem to be joining in. And Dylan…

…didn't like it one bit.

- - - -

Somewhere far but also near, a gigantic figure was crouched as he just stared at the ground. After a few minutes of just looking at the ground, he looked up at the great wall in front of him and sighed. A red hound from nowhere pounced at him and began to bark.

"Yes, I know they're in there…" The gigantic figure said and patted the head of the red hound. "But the thing is we can't go in, it's too dangerous. There are too many powerful figures in there that can kill us with just a snap of their fingers. I'm afraid…we'll have to leave."

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *