I Wonna Ride You

. . . . Some minutes earlier

The now group of four were led to another part of the store by Kun. Here, all they could see were animal feed and goods. They were divided into different categories like Starter, Grower, Enhancer, Finisher and many others. Kun was pointing at all of them one by one as she told them what animal it was used to feed.

"Excuse me!" Harry raised his hand as interrupted Kun.

Kun slightly creased her brow. "Yes, go ahead."

"You haven't shown us the Ape feed. Do you have them?" Although, Harry was quite embarrassed by his wordings, he didn't show it. Instead a creepy smile was forming on his face.

"Ape?" Kun raised a brow. "Those are rare creatures. Let me have a look."

She grabbed a handbook and began to skim through it.

"Ahem, there it is." She was pointing to a strange sticky green liquid. "It helps increase their strength and also -."

"Ew!" Harry made a disgusting face. "To think this was what Bab had been eating since infantry, it's no wonder his brain cells are so sticky."

Bab's face transformed into a deep shade of red from annoyance. As he turned to Kun, the redness slightly reduced but anger was still vivid on his face. He really wanted to lash back at Harry but since Kun was looking at him, the best he could do was bite his lips. After all, he didn't want to give her a bad impression about himself.

After that, Kun led them to the clothing section. There wasn't much to see here since all that was there were clothes that could never be worn by a human.

Alex was finding it hard to focus on anything and instead, his mind was fixed on Dylan. His gut feeling was telling him that something was not in place here.

Why did it look like both Circe and Dylan knew each other from somewhere?

"Hey gee, I don't think you have to be worried about D man." Harry nudged Alex after noticing the worried look on his face.

"I know, but I have a feeling something does not feel right in this place."

"Man, you're starting to sound more like him. Must you always be suspicious of everything?" Harry had a look of dis-contempt on his face. "Don't you think they would have made their move if they really wanted to harm us?"

Alex kind of agreed with Harry but he knew it wasn't basically true.

"Although this section is for special guests," Kun stood before a door that had the sign V.I.P hanging boldly on top,. "But since you guys are demigods, I think it should be alright."

Turning around, she kicked open the door. "Welcome to the Pet Beast Area! Come on in."

Kun ushered them in and closed the door behind them. They were unable to notice the malicious smile on her face..

"What is this? A zoo?"

It wasn't farfetched since the place really did look like a zoo. With the countless cages were neatly arranged and each cages seemed to be containing…a monster.

In a way, this scene reminded them of something they had experienced not too long.

"You guys also rear monsters?" Harry's fists were already tensing up. After all, he still hadn't forgotten the memory of what the Shadow Facility was doing out of his head.

"Why do you sound like you're accusing us of a crime?" Kun furrowed her brows before also letting out a short sigh. "Oh, demigods and their monsters problems? You guys must have had very bad experiences with monsters. But you don't have to worry about these ones; they're just as they're made to be, pets."

To buttress her point, Kun put her hand inside the cage of a bat like monster with very sharp fangs.

Immediately, the monster lunged at her hand and Bab even squeaked a little as he imagined Kun screaming but all that came from her mouth was a soft chuckle. Looking down, all he could see was the monster licking her hand like a dog.

Like they needed more proof, Kun once again put her hand inside another cage but quickly retreated as this monster also lunged at it. But unlike the former, this one really wanted to bite it off.

Kun looked at them and let out a nervous laugh. "Well, some of them sure like to play rough. The fact that they haven't been fed tor some days now also increased their wide nature."

"You haven't fed them for days? Are you putting them on diet? That is actually a good -."

"The store has been having loss lately. It's like we're going bankrupt." Kun cut short Bab, "We rarely see customers. And even those that come ends up leaving in annoyance, without really buying anything."

"If I remember correctly, Circe mentioned something like it's your fault she's losing customers."

Kun frowned. "I admit. A little fault is in my side but most of it is hers." She said. "For over a year now, I've been telling her to get me a new pet after my former one died, but she had just been ignoring me despite the fact that it was in the contract before I signed it. Out of frustration, I annoy our customers beyond measure that they never return."

"I disagree with your actions." Kate took some steps forward. "Instead of acting rashly you should instead have tried reasoning with her. Surely, there must be a good reason why she refused to get you a new pet."

Kun placed her hand on her chin and appeared to be in deep thought. It took a while before she finally spoke.

"You are right. Young dragons are hard to get these days."

"Are you kidding me?" Alex who had been silent the whole time couldn't help but step up. "You asked for a dragon…as a pet?"

"Hmm. Isn't it cute enough?" kun asked.

"I think it's cool/" Bab nodded like a moron. He had been siding with every of Kun's words in hope of getting her attention but he had only been ignored. Nonetheless, he would continue to try.

"Whatever. I am really grateful to you guys. Because of your arrival, the boss lady has finally decided to give me my own pet." Kun was behaving like five years old.

"A dragon?"

"The only thing remaining is for me to pick the best suitor among you four." Kun totally ignored Alex's question and pointed at Harry. "No, you're too skinny."

She then pointed to Alex and also shook her head. "Too flashy."

Next was Kate. "Nah, you're a lady like me."

And finally Bab. "Study and strong. With lot of endurance. It'll be a thrilling riding on you, don't you think?"

"Me?" Bab was overjoyed. It turned out his trick had actually been working. "You choose me over everyone else. Does that mean we're officially couples now?"

Kun giggled.

Witnessing this, Harry was reminded of what Tom said to Melissa young girls with petite figure liking big 'things'. Although, he wasn't there to witness it, there were lots of people ready to tell him what transpired before Tom lost his little brother.

It turned out it really was true.

This small girl whose breast hadn't even fully developed was already talking about riding Bab's big c*ock like it was the greatest experience. In public. Without shame.

Kun spread her hands like she was waiting for a hug. Bab was about to embrace her when he felt something wrong with him and he fell face – first, right before Kun's feet.





Although Bab was oblivious to what really happened, the others at his back were able to see it clearly. As he was about to take a step, his feet began to expand. It continues growing in size until it was three times its original size.

At the same time, it wasn't only his legs that were undergoing the strange transformation. The rest of his body was also transforming. It wasn't a simple transformation either and judging from Bab's screams, it was very painful.

There were only three sounds that filled the room: Kun's silent chuckle, Bab's ear piercing wailing and the sound of his bones popping and snapping and rearranging themselves in positions not suitable for a human being.

"Help! Somebody please help me, I think I'm dying!" Bab screamed. But looking back at the others and seeing them just standing in place, he could only click his tongue.

"You guys are worthless!" He thought. He clenched his fist and was about to throw a mighty punch…only to find out his hand was completely gone, now replaced with two large black wings.

Right before their eyes, Bab was turned into a Black Dragon!

* * * TO BE CONTINUED * * *