Parents Teachers Meeting (PTA)...

Sarah said ,"Ma'am I went out day before yesterday so I was taking rest yesterday" .

Ma'am said "Okay ,sit down".

Sophia said "Ma'am I even went out".

Ma'am said "Okay ".

Olivia said "Ma'am we all went together out and all were absent yesterday".

Ma'am said ,"Very good ,now get out of the class and go and call your parents because of you all we were unable to teach for 2 days ".

Oliver said "Ma'am we didn't stopped you from teaching neither we tied your hands so you were unable to teach".

Everyone started laughing..

Ma'am replied,"Oliver ,get out of the class and everyone call your parents"

They all went out to call their parents...

Sophia asked them,"Do you think our parents will come".

John said "Let's call first and then we'll see".

They started calling their parents one by one.

Olivia,Sophia , Oliver's parents were coming.

John's and Lucas's parents didn't received the call.

Now it's turn of Sarah .

She was confused about whom to call so she called her mother.

Her mother picked up the call.

She said,"Hello, Who's there?".

Sarah replied,"Mom,it's me Sarah".

Her mom asked,"Princess what happen?You called me after a long time,Are you fine?,Did something happened?".

She said ,"Mom ,can you please come to my university to meet my home room teacher?".

Her mom replied ,"Sorry princess today it's not possible but tomorrow I will come for sure ,why don't you call your grandma she will come.

Sarah said ,"Okay,byee ".

She kept the phone in anger and her tears were just going to come out of her eyes but there comes Kane and he asked her to pass the phone as he wanted to call his parents.

Sarah said "Wait ,I'm not finished yet".

Sarah called her grandmother and she said that she is on her way.

She gave the phone to Kane and went .

Kane was thinking why she was so sad but then he said to himself not to think about her .

They all went to their class and they said to teacher,"Ma'am ,our parents are on the way".

Now the peun came and said the teacher that the parents have arrived .

Teacher said students to come with them.

Everyone's parents was shocked to see the owner of the school as the parent.

The teacher arrives with the students and she asked the parents to introduce and have a seat.

When the teacher saw Sarah's grandmother she was shocked and she asked ,"What are you doing here ma'am?,How can I help you".

Her grandmother replied"How dare you to ask me after calling me here !".

Teacher asked "When did I called you Ma'am?".

She replied "You didn't called Sarah's parents?".

Teacher said "yes ,it means you are her grandmother".

She replied "Yes, now tell me what's the problem?,why did you call us ?".

From behind Sophia's mother replied "Inspite of knowing our busy schedule then too you called us ".

Chorus :Yes,you should not call us for silly reasons.

Teacher replied,"Your children were absent for 2 days that also together because of them I was unable to teach the whole class, that's the reason I called you for".

Parents replied all together "It's not the reason to call us and for the mistake of our children we all apologize to you".

Teacher said "This time I am forgiving your children form next time no excuses ,now you all can go ,thank you for coming inspite of your busy schedule".

Teacher and students went to the classes.

Parents were talking about the teacher to the .....