Complete with you....

Her mother stopped her and asked her to not to go to school today.

She asked ,"Why?".

Her mother answered that ,"Your aunt,uncle and your big brother have returned from Paris to States so we will go and meet them".

Sarah replied,"We have the whole day with us,we can go anytime it's not that far from here"

Sarah and her mother were arguing and then Sarah's grandmother came and yelled at them by saying,"Is this the way to talk with each other and then she said Sarah to go to school and asked her mother to let her go.

Sarah went happily to the school and her mother at home asked her grandmother that why you did this.

Her grandmother replied ,"Why to drag her in all the business work ,let her enjoy she will come in the afternoon so take her with you in the evening only for the party".

Sarah's mother replied,"I wanted her to know what does her family's company looks like ,how do they work and all.

Sarah's grandmother replied,"She's too small for that,don't push her ".

Her mother went to the gym and grandmother for yoga.

Sarah reached university and went downstairs in the assembly ground for assembly.

There was time for the assembly so she with her friends decided to play and enjoy with each other.

She was playing on the ground and someone pushed her and she fell down.She got hurt badly . Everyone came running to help her to get up and took her to Nurse Room. Kane saw that and he rushed to Nurse Room.

Nurse helped Sarah by putting bandage on her wounds and told her to took rest.She was having a little headache but Sarah denied to call her parents and without taking rest went to her class.

After a while in the lunch break...

Kane came and sat near Sarah and asked her about how she was feeling?".

Kane asked,"How are you feeling now Sarah?".

She replied ,"Thank you ,I am well now".

Kane asked everyone there,"Today, Selena is coming from London to stay here ,why don't you all also join as she is your friend too ".

In Chorus they answered ,"Why not,after a long time we will meet her ".

Sarah said,"I'm really sorry Kane and you all but I won't be able to make it today with you all as my brother has returned today from Paris".

They said ,"It's okay Sarah you can meet Selena afterwards".

She said ,"Thank you ,I will surely meet her".

Kane was sad as Sarah was not coming but he couldn't tell her.

Lunch break was over and they went to their classes .

Sarah was having a headache so she decided to sleep for a while so she said Lucas,"I'm not in the mood of studying maths so I am sleeping if teacher asked you then tell her I'm not feeling well,okay".

Lucas replied,"Don't worry you just sleep,I Will take care of everything"

After a while....

University was over and they were heading out and entering the uni bus then Sophia noticed that Sarah's Driver is calling her so she said Sarah ,"I think your mother has sent the car and driver so you can go early".

Sarah replied,"Thank you soo much for noticing and telling me ,come I will give you a ride".

Sophia was just going to answer but Kane meddled in between and said ,"you can give me ride Sarah as I am in hurry to go home".

Sophia replied ,"Yes give this boy the ride first as he is in hurry ".

Sarah said ,"Okay ,let's go Kane".

Kane and Sarah went and sat inside the car and she said to her driver to drop him first.

Kane was happy and nervous both at the same time because he was with Sarah and suddenly Sarah again dozed off on his shoulders.

Due to speed of the car Sarah couldn't sleep properly so Kane kept his hand on his head as she was leaning on his shoulders so she can sleep properly.

Sarah woke up and she asked him what happened to her.

Kane replied,"You just dozed off ".

Sarah said,"Yah!! Yesterday I was unable to sleep at night because of that I might have dozed off,Sorry to bother you".

Kane was pleased with her kind behaviour and gave a genuine smile .

As time passes.

They got back home.

Sarah showed the signs of confusion as soon as she got home she saw that all her family members were present there to surprise her.

She was confused as they were supposed to go and meet them but they were here. They answered you were not coming so we came and now we will all live together.

Sarah was so happy that she rushed to her room and got ready for the celebration.

The whole family was enjoying and they said when Sarah came downstairs"Complete with You".