Look What You Made Me Do..

She called her assistant and said her "to remove all the details about Ahana". Now Ahana woke up and she said "where I am".Krish gave her water and said her "what happened last night and how she was at Krish house".Ahana said "thank you soo much if you were not there at the time so I wouldn't be here."Krish said "it's my job to save my colleagues from danger".

She changed and went her house.Hary called her and told her to take a day off and apologized her sincerely with a bouquet of roses at her house. Later in the office when Hary saw Krish and Mahi maintaining distance from each other he suspected what's happening and asked them. Mahi answered "that because of your assistant we broke up and after doing this she is not here,Wow what a coward she is".From the day one I told you that "she is not the right girl.Girls like her can never work in such a big company".Hary please fire her. Hary couldn't control and he yelled at her and told "her what happened yesterday with Ahana and why she is not there today and warned her not to say anything bad about her because he will not be able to bear it".

Mahi went from the office in anger and after seeing the details of Ahana she called Varun .She was like because of you Ahana Krish broked up with me now you will bear the circumstances.I will never let you be happy.

Varun didn't received her call then she decided to visit him but she couldn't visit him for few days because he was out of states.Hary gave Ahana the bonus for her good work.She said"I want to treat you sir, because of you i got the job and I'm making a living.So please don't deny it". Hary said okay.Ahana said "okay then today are you free??" Hary said "yes,lets do it today". Hary went to do his work.After some time when everyone went home.Krish came in Hary's cabin and asked him whether he's free tonight?? Hary replied no I'm not free today I have to dine with someone.Krish said your girlfriend?? Hary said no Ahana asked me Krish got nervous and said okay.Hary went Home.Krish being alone in the office thinking about what he is doing.Why is he So sad for Ahana not called him to dine with her but called Hary.Krish decided to Stay alone and have a drink.Krish saw the story of Hary that having dinner with a beautiful girl and he throws his phone and starts again drinking.

The next day in morning after seeing Ahana in office Krish said how was last night dinner's ?? She said it was good.Hary came and said Good morning Krish.Krish said nothing and went in his office. Mahi gets a call from....