"Would you like something to eat ?", the sheriff asked as he pulled a chair for Anna.

"Yeah maybe some coffee ", Anna said as she sat down. She was starving she couldn't even remember the last time she had something to eat.

"They make amazing waffles I bring my daughter here every Saturday morning before soccer practice ", the sheriff said as the waiter brought them their coffee.

"Could you please bring me waffles too ", Anna said to the waiter who smiled sweetly at her and she could tell she wasn't being sweet. It was just part of the job.

"I hear you've been doing business with my twin without my permission", the sheriff said breaking the ice.

"I wasn't informed I was to come and see you first if I had known you would have been my first stop ", Anna said as she took a sip of the coffee it was strong.

The sheriff stared at Anna and wondered how old she was. He knew the name and whose wife she was but he couldn't understand what she was doing in his town.

What was his husband doing when he had gotten the accident?

Now that he thought if it Vincenzo had been in Mexico or was coming from there when he had the accident. He knew what their company dealt with but contraband?

"What are you doing here alone ?", the sheriff asked her.

"Am not alone as you could see when you found me I came with people ", Anna said as she looked outside where her truck was parked.

Mateo was leaning on the hood of the truck as if he was waiting for a signal to pounce. He was ready to attach anyone it took if it meant he was protecting her.

"Your husband is still in the hospital, si ?", the sheriff asked Anna and she wondered what angle he was driving at.

Trying to tell her that her place was beside her husband.

"Yes he is still in recovery why are you asking ?", Anna asked him as she dig into the waffles and indeed they were good.

"I thought like a dutiful wife you would be with him trying to help him recover ", the sheriff said shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah well I would have been there but see we have businesses that need to be run. Someone had to do it and it had to be me. That's what he wants ", Anna said and wid weed why the sheriff was going around in circles.

She knew what he wanted and was wondering why he just couldn't say it already and save them the trouble.

"See I can't have two people running the same business in town it just can't happen ", the sheriff's road Anna let out a sigh of relief and was afraid it was too loud that Evehems could hear it.

"Well I was his supplier and he knows the rules of the game if he wanted the business he would have come and talked to my boss and know how they could do business together ", Anna said as she put down the fork.

"I do not know you she's the one I know so in my eyes you're the one who is trespassing", the sheriff said and Anna scoffed.

She wondered if it had been a man, how the sheriff would have reacted. He was not giving her a chance because he was a woman and he thought she was supposed to be at her husband's bedside feeding him.

"Is it because am a woman, is that it ?", she asked him and watched how uncomfortable he got trying to find the right answer to the question.


"Do not try playing that game with me, lady. I am telling you how things are done here and if you do not like them then you can take your business elsewhere ", he said getting infuriated and she had finally gotten to him.

"How much do you want, Mooney isn't a problem for my boss ", Anna said and she could see the color wash from his face

No matter how much he tried to deny it she knew it was all about money. She knew that who overpaid the most was allowed to continue playing the game.

"This is not about money ", the sheriff said standing his ground.

"Oh really what is it ?", Anna asked him.

"You just can't go to a new town and start doing business like you know how things are run. Some protocols are followed ", the sheriff said.

"Whoever told you that I am in town, did they tell you who I work for at least?", Anna asked him.

"I do not care who you work for, your boss doesn't have a day here that's all I know ", the sheriff said chuckling. The nerve of this woman.

"Well that's true unless your boss is in Neegan ", Anna said and she could see show the emotions on the sheriff's face change.

He knew who Neegan was and it was until then that Anna realized how much weight Neegan's name held.

"Well I didn't know that, tell him I would like to speak with him ", the sheriff said his tone changed completely.

He was now talking to her with respect and she wondered why she had to mention the name of a man for her to get that.

"I wish that was possible but he is busy so you will have to deal with me ", Anna said.

"Okay, if he is ever in twin I would like a word with him. I need to know when there is a change in management", the sheriff said and she wid weed why he needed to know that.

The important thing was him getting his pay. Whoever was managing the business wanted his business to know and she wondered what kind of relationship he and Mr Suarez had.

"I want ten percent of every shipment ", the sheriff said.

"You know for a fact that is way too much, five is all I can offer ", Anna said.

"Seven ", the sheriff said.

"Six and that's final ", Anna said as she took her bag and was ready to leave.

"Say hi to him ", the sheriff said. He was surely acting like an obsessed fan.


"Take me to see Jason I need to visit him. His daddy doesn't know how to behave ", Anna said as she fastened her seatbelt.

"Okay ma'am ", the driver said as he started driving towards the residence where Scarface's child lived.

All Anna wondered was if Jason had boarded a plane before and if he was nauseous. Either way, they were going to be up in the air by the hour, she would find out then.