Chapter 7 Goods and Materials Got

Hull hesitated for a while and finally nodded. Then he quickly put the can into his arms and smiled brightly.

"In fact, it's a loss for me to do so, but I'll take it as making friends with you!"

Hull said, but in his heart, he was happy. These ordinary building materials were only a ton, and it was not a big deal. As long as the bill was ready, these vegetables and can were all put into his pocket.

Daniel thought he was lucky. First of all, he was right to get the vegetable cans!

He happened to meet Hull who liked broccoli. Even he said that it was almost his dream.

This dream sounded very simple.

In this world, it was as difficult as reaching the sky!

Because no one took out a can of vegetables for sale, and even no one knew whether it was still there.

Hull soon gave him the list of construction materials. Daniel claimed that he needed other materials.

But he bought it with money, which made Hull a little disappointed.

At last, Hull even sent people to send the stuff to the ground for free.

It seemed that Hull was in a good mood today after he got the can of broccoli. He even invited Daniel in politely.

Daniel refused, claiming that he would come to buy something later, and went back to the ground.

"Master Hull, what does this young man want to do by carrying things to the ground?"

Hull shook his head and walked into the room. He believed that Daniel might have a family background, or even not be the person of the underground city, with a few vegetable cans in his hands!

He didn't want to care about it anymore.

Today, if he took it home and showed it to his wife, he would definitely reward himself again!

On the way, Daniel had his hair trimmed. Apart from his tattered clothes, he still looked very handsome, but his face was a little thin.

He bought a few more clothes and changed completely!

He didn't look like a poor man anymore.

He asked the Management Bureau to wait outside Charlie's house for a moment, and then he went in by himself. Soon, the wind and snow roared, and the Charlie family was stunned when they saw a car of materials.

"Daniel, are you still Daniel? Have you been replaced?"

Charlie said dully.

Daniel touched his nose awkwardly. 'You guessed it right.'

Charlie's father walked up to a car and confirmed that it was made of construction materials. He asked in disbelief, "Daniel, are you trying to reinforce your basement? Don't tell me that your boss gave it to you."


Daniel nodded without hesitation and smiled.

He had to tell one hundred lies to cover up his lie.

There was nothing wrong with his words.

He had to leave the pot to the boss!

"Uncle, find me a reliable group of people to reinforce my basement. The payment is the same. You must be quick!"

Daniel emphasized that he didn't have much time left.

But as a reward, these people must work overtime.

Charlie's father thought for a while and asked, "How many people do you want?"

"You'd better finish it in two days."

"Why are you in such a hurry? Okay, I see."

Charlie's father thought for a while. He was also in this industry, so he knew what to do. Although he didn't know what Daniel was going to do, he didn't ask.

Daniel walked up to him and gave him some cans.

"Thank you, uncle."

Charlie's father was shocked and pushed him away in a hurry. "Daniel, we haven't finished the food you gave us last time. Besides, it's a piece of cake to help you. Why do I still need so many cans? What do you think of me?"

"Yes, Daniel. Keep it yourself. You don't have much money."

Charlie came over with his mother and refused.

In their eyes, Daniel only worked for others, but he really gave them a lot of gifts. They were all moved.

Daniel smiled and stuffed the can into Charlie's father's arms.

"If it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago. Why are you so polite to me?"

Daniel even thought that he had not given them enough cans. He was afraid that if he took out too much at once, it would be difficult to explain, and the Charlie family would probably be scared.

He had no choice but to accept it.

Daniel nodded with a smile.

"Your boss is so kind to you. Look at your clothes. You must be very expensive. When I approached you just now, I couldn't believe that this is Daniel I know!"

Charlie was a little envious and joked.

Daniel patted him on the shoulder and encouraged, "After a few days, I'll give you a job, and it's very important!"

Charlie said excitedly, "Am I also working for your boss?"


Charlie's parents also widened their eyes and stared at Daniel. They were very happy that their son could have a job, but they could not believe it.

"Well, you'll know it by then. Uncle, aunt, I'll leave it to you. The wind is strong. Go back quickly!"

Daniel said goodbye to them and Daniel was relieved to let them handle it.

Back to the basement.

The Jinx family was also surprised at the large pile of things. After moving in, it occupied a large area.

She thanked him politely and all the people who came went back.

Now, only Charlie's family needed to find someone to reinforce it. After completing the task, they could get the steamer!

At this time, Daniel noticed a lot of devices on the other side of the Jinx. After the power was connected, some of them had been put into operation, making buzzing sounds.

He was curious about her background and what the hell was she doing.

Jinx was holding a small box, on which there was a controlling rod. She was concentrating on operating an instrument. Beside him, there was an old man with grey hair and reading with his glasses.

Only a middle-aged man walked towards him.

He looked at Daniel up and down.

So did Daniel.



The two shook hands. It seemed that they were friendly.

"I'm Jinx's father."

"I see."

"I still have a few servants to live here, but your place is a little small!"

He pursed his lips and showed obvious disgust.

"It doesn't matter. As long as you pay the rent, even if I move out to sleep, I will make my tenant comfortable!"

Daniel said with a smile.

Puth was stunned. He had thought that Daniel would be angry, but now it seemed that he was a little narrow-minded. He withdrew his hand.

He said expressionlessly, "Thank you."

"Of course!"


Charlie's father was very efficient. A few hours later, he found more than a dozen people.

As the boss of this job, Daniel also stood out. As long as it was finished in two days, then everyone... Two cans!