Chapter 10 Mineral Water

For example, the mineral water mode.

A certain amount of mineral could be added to the water!

This was simply a magic tool!

What's more, it's not using electricity, or burning oil or coal, but incredibly powerful... Nuclear power!

On the left side, there was a touch screen. When Daniel walked over, a face automatically appeared on it. It was a little girl with blonde hair!

"My dear master, what can I do for you?"

Artificial intelligence?

Daniel felt that he was under too much pressure!

Others were still robbing the potatoes on the ground which were hard to stone, and he had used artificial intelligence?

The reward from the system was awesome!

"Please adjust it to the mode of mineral water and start working. Thank you."

Fortunately, as a time traveler, Daniel had a strong heart endurance.

After a short period of surprise, he patted his chest and muttered to himself, "It doesn't matter. What is it?"

"Work started!"

On the screen, the mode of "mineral water" was on, and then the whole distiller began to buzz!

Behind the distiller, several tentacles like octopus suddenly appeared and directly broke the iron plate that Daniel had prepared.

This iron plate was actually a small door that led the snow outside in.

But now, it seemed a little unnecessary!

This distiller seemed to be a little... Too powerful!

"Artificial intelligence? How long will it take to purify a ton of water?"

"Master, you can call me Miss Water! It takes 15 minutes to purify a ton of water!"

Well, Daniel didn't know much about the speed. Even if the machine did any suffocating operation, Daniel would only feel that he was used to it.

Soon, there was a "splash" sound from the center of the water supply.

Then it flowed into the pre-dug reservoir.

The capacity of the reservoir was only one ton, so Daniel told Miss Water to regularly purify one ton of water.

Then he found two clean iron buckets and filled them with water.

He brought it to the front of Jinx's bedroom.

The decoration was still preliminary, and the ground was still thick cement, which was very aesthetic. Puth looked at the two iron barrels on the ground, and only took a look at Daniel.

The Jinx was attracted by the sound and came over with a long tube-like thermometer in her hand.

"The water looks clean."

Staring at the bucket, Jinx glanced at Daniel in silence.

Hoth put down the book and looked at the water. "It's incredible. It's like the mountain spring water before the disaster!"

Daniel smiled and said, "I did what I said. I hope you can keep the secret!"

"Of course, we Rogers family never break our promise!"

Hoth smiled amiably.

As he spoke, Jinx inserted a pipe into the bucket.

During this period, Daniel had figured out the character of this beautiful woman. He guessed that Jinx might be studying something important.

It seemed that Jinx was only 20 years old. One shouldn't judge a person by their appearance. She was such a young researcher, but he didn't know what she was studying. Maybe he could help!

"Damn it!"

Jinx tightly grasped the thing that looked like a test instrument.

She raised her head and stared at me coldly.

He was confused.

"Mr. Daniel, I think you owe us an explanation!"

"Honey, don't be so surprised. The water looks normal. Is there anything wrong with your test? The boy melted the snow outside for us to drink?"

As soon as he spoke, something bad would happen.

Daniel didn't know why he had offended this guy. He seemed to like to question him!

Everyone in the family was staring at me.

"What explanation? The water is absolutely fine!"

Daniel was sure that the system wouldn't harm him.

Water, absolutely no problem!

Jinx took a deep breath and looked at the instrument in her hand with complicated eyes.

"The water quality has reached the special level, all the trace elements have reached the standard, and all kinds of minerals have also reached the standard. Drinking it will not only do not harm the human body but also benefit you! I guess it must be sweet after drinking it!"


Hoth and Puth were stunned. They were the first to question Jinx.

"Did you make a mistake?"

Jinx shook her head and said, "It's impossible."

Her beautiful eyes were full of confusion, and surprise. All kinds of emotions were mixed together and focused on Daniel.

'Oh my God! The man in front of me is smiling happily.'

Jinx was stunned for a moment. She hadn't seen such a pure smile for many years. Then, she captured a trace of complacency in the smile.

"To tell you the truth, these two buckets of water are for you as my first tenant. No! It's the reward for my boss's first tenant!"

Daniel directly threw out a boss who didn't exist, and then it was up to the other's imagination!

The good thing was that others thought he had someone behind him, so they had to think twice if they wanted to hit him!

It also explained the origin of these things.

Sure enough, the three's expressions were suddenly enlightened. Obviously, they had already guessed it.

Daniel nodded with satisfaction and was about to leave.


Dexter was a little confused.

Daniel frowned.

"Why did your boss give us such precious water? And, with all due respect, how much is this kind of water?"

Jinx asked tentatively.

Daniel once said that he would provide water at a low price. Jinx didn't think that Daniel would provide such a quantity of water!

Daniel looked at her seriously.

Finally, he rolled his eyes and said, "As I said before, this is the benefit of the rent. This kind of water is not too much. In the future, the water supply will also be the same as most of the water."

"Besides, I hope you don't spread the news everywhere. If you leak out the water, it will do no good to everyone and my boss."

Daniel threw his boss out again.

Hoth opened his mouth. Thinking of what Jedson had said, he wanted to ask about the house and why he had to dig a basement here to do so many things.

But considering that they had only known each other for a few days, it seemed inappropriate to ask this question.

In the end, Hoth just thanked him.