Chapter 12 Have You Drunk Mineral Water

Water was infinite and the price was not low.

The key point was that everyone needed it. Now there was a shortage of water and everyone didn't have enough. Daniel was the only one.

Finally, Hoth took Daniel to the underground city to discuss this matter with Jedson.

The final price of the mineral water was 10 thousand gold coins per ton.

The price of the water outside was about 15 thousand.

Daniel only took out 10 thousand. The rest would be discussed by Hoth and Jedson. He told them to sell it at a lower price than the market price.

If it was too low, people would surely scramble to buy it from him, but Daniel will be exposed. As the captain of the police, Jedson might also be taken away for investigation.

Without absolute force, Daniel had to do many things secretly.

He wasn't afraid that Jedson would betray him or be with the Hoth family.

At that time, they might force Daniel to hand over all the water.

Daniel had told Hoth that he had a boss behind him.

The effect of "boss" came!

Those who could sell water must be extremely powerful!

And it could be seen that the two of them were very happy.

He shook off his thoughts and felt much more relieved.

In the material management office.

"Sir, you are here? I'll inform you right now!"

The guard at the door was the same as before. When he saw Daniel, he smiled and Daniel threw him a can, he thanked Daniel as much as he could and ran to announce it.

"What a realistic world!"

Daniel sighed.

It didn't take long. Hoel came with a smile on his face.

Daniel came straight to the point, "Mr. Hoel, I'm here to get some building materials on credit."


Hoel became serious and the smile on his face disappeared. "Mr. Daniel, we are in the material management center, not my place."

Hoel pointed back. There was a sign hanging at the gate of the tall building—material management center!

Daniel smiled and gave him a can.

Hoel took it out of his arms and saw the broccoli. Then he returned to his smiling face.

He was also a master of changing his face.

Because what Daniel said next changed his face again.

"I want some construction materials of the middle level, 50 tons of cement, 10 tons of concrete iron, and 5 tons of other construction materials of the lower level!"

"So, you are still on credit?"


"No way!"

Hoel said without hesitation.

Then he said, "If I give you, I will go to see God tomorrow!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Hoel."

Another can of broccoli was put in his hand secretly.

"I've heard about the material management center. It's said that it's an official force, but in fact, there's another boss behind it, right?"

Seeing that it was a good thing again, Hoel stuffed it into his arms expressionlessly.

"What is it? It's impossible to give you credit, and I don't have such a right! Forget it, let's go in and have a talk."

In Hoel's office.

Daniel didn't want to beat around the bush.

He said directly, "In fact, I'm not just on credit. I want to ask you, have you drunk any mineral water?"

Hoel was confused. "Mineral water? I should have drunk it when I was a child. The disaster hadn't happened at that time. What do you mean?"

As a shrewd man, he realized something.

"I have made something good recently."

With a mysterious smile, Daniel took out a can and put it on the table.

The can was filled with mineral water.

Hoel hesitated for a moment and opened the can. It was clear water!

So clean!

Hoel opened the drawer and took out a tube exactly like Jinx's.

Hoel's face changed dramatically when he looked at all the indexes in the water!

"That's impossible!"

I knew you would say that.

"The fact is clear. You have a water car, right? I don't have much of it. Just pack a cart for you and don't expose it. Just take it as a gift!"

The capacity of a water car was 10 tons.

Ten tons of mineral water!

It was mineral water!

Even if it was ordinary water with a bitter taste, 10 tons was still a terrible amount!

Hoel didn't ask where the water came from.

In fact, after the disaster, the officials had dug out the water underground, but it became less and less until it was used up by humans.

He could only miss the bottle of water.

Hoel still shook his head and said, "It is very precious, but you want too much. It's difficult to transfer 50 tons of cement at a time, not to mention that you still owe me."

Daniel wasn't surprised at all. He had bought a lot of mineral water for him. He just wanted to make friends with Hoel. It would be easier for him to do things in the future.

"Well, I'll give you the money as usual. Give me two days, and I'll give the money to you. In two days, with your identity and strength, you should be able to get it for me, right?"

"No evidence, Mr. Daniel. It's not that I don't believe you. If you are really discovered, I will definitely go to see God."

"Add two more cars. At that time, since Mr. Hoel doesn't believe me, these three cars of water will be taken as a security deposit. Even if I don't hand over the money, sell it to the castellan mansion, it's enough!"

Hoel hesitated for a long time and showed a difficult expression. At last, he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! Take me to get some water first!"

Daniel smiled.

Three cars of mineral water were valuable chips for Hoel to gamble. For Daniel, it was just a few hours' works.

It was normal that Hoel didn't believe him.

In fact, Daniel also felt a little pain. If it weren't for the early start of the construction, he wouldn't have been willing to send the three cars of mineral water out directly.

He was well prepared.

"When the money is paid, the 30 tons of water is still yours, sir."

Hoel smiled bitterly. "You'd better bring the money on time. This is not a small amount. Even if the water is handed over, it will be troublesome to explain."

Daniel gave him a look of understanding.

When they went back to the basement, Daniel had to tell them the location of the basement.

It was risky to do so.

If Hoel went all out and even reported to the castellan mansion, he had to take a gamble.

Hoel was betting.

So did him.

In this era of canniness, every step Daniel took was gambled.

The water was soon filled, and Hoel also transported the supplies.

Daniel switched the mode to the normal purification mode. The water quality became the same as the water sold on the market, and the purification speed became 1 ton in 5 minutes.

After that, he called the Charlie family and asked them to find someone to come here. The reward this time was 5 tons of water for each of them, and it was a task for 20 days. All the food and accommodation were in the basement. Daniel would pay for it!

He came to work again!

On the first day, Daniel sold 30 tons of water in exchange for gold coins of cement and other materials.