Chapter 17 Unexpected Research Result

"No, let's go..."

Daniel pressed his chest against the man's gun. The man was startled and shot without hesitation.

It hurt a little, but he could bear it.

Daniel grabbed the man's wrist quickly. Fortunately, he was only a miner. If he had received professional training, he really didn't have the confidence.

The gun fell to the ground. The man's face was ferocious. He pulled out the knife with his left hand and waved it at Daniel's throat.

Daniel didn't care about it at all. The knife only cut open the thick cotton clothes, and then was blocked by a special bulletproof vest. It didn't cause any damage at all.

"Sorry, I can only do this, but I don't mean to hurt you. Here is 50 thousand. You can go back to the underground city by yourself. I'll drive the car away."

Daniel couldn't let him know the location of the basement. After all, he was a stranger to him.

Even the one Jedson had chosen before was someone he had absolutely believed.

And that time, Hoel came and delivered it himself.

Daniel must have a sense of defensiveness!

Daniel had a strong sense of crisis. He wanted to raise the basement to the level of the fortress, enhance defense, open all kinds of planting rooms, armory, and so on.

Only in this way could he survive better in this world.

He got in the car, leaving only the confused driver.

They drove the mining car close to the snow and believed that it would be covered with snow soon. This place was relatively remote and they didn't need to worry about being discovered.

As soon as he returned to the basement, a figure rushed over.

It was Jinx!

This hot blonde had electricity and a heater, so the whole basement was very warm.

A woman loves beauty too. She put on her favorite dress with a low collar. The white swayed in front of Daniel, and no man could control it.

"Stop! Stop! What's wrong with you? Miss Jinx, you are a lady. Whatever happened to you, Jedson is going to die!"

"What? What happened?"

"Find the first aid kit. Do you have it? If not, go to my room!"

"Yes! Yes! Dad, come out! Something happened to Uncle Jedson!"


After putting Jedson on the bed, Hoth and Puth surrounded him.

With a book in his hand, Hoth asked in confusion, "Mr. Daniel, what's wrong with you? And Jedson, why is your face so pale? Why are you wearing such pungent clothes?"

"Don't ask so many questions. This guy is dying. I don't want him to die in front of me."

If Jedson died in front of Daniel, it would be hard for Daniel to accept.

Because in his opinion, he had a chance to save him.

But time was running out.

Soon enough, Jinx found the first aid kit and handed it to Daniel. The man who had always disliked Daniel began his operation.

Jinx said, "My father has learned some medical skills from others. He is very good."

Hoth was also a little anxious. They walked far away to avoid disturbing him.

"Mr. Daniel, can you tell me what happened?"

Daniel sighed slightly and briefly told them what had happened.

Hoth was indeed a kind person. After hearing what Daniel said, he immediately thanked him, "Thank you very much for saving Jedson. We really don't know how to repay you."

"It doesn't matter. We are partners. You don't have to say such polite words."

Daniel waved his hand.

"I didn't expect that your process was so difficult and dangerous. It's really touching that Mr. Daniel has done so much for Jedson."

After a while, Puth came over with a cloth in his hand.

Hoth asked, "How's it going?"

"The blood has stopped, but he has lost too much blood and there is no medicine to treat it. He can only recover by himself."

"That's all I can do."

Hoth sighed.

Daniel searched the mall carefully and found a family medicine box. This kind of medicine box was very cheap. Daniel bought it and went back to his room to extract the family medicine box.

In the suitcase, Daniel found some medicine that he thought was useful, so he took them out, but he didn't take the suitcase with it.

He applied the medicine to Puth.

Puth was surprised. "Where did you get these?"

"I bought it in the underground city before. I don't know if it's useful or not, so I hoarded it."

Some important and common medicines couldn't be made, so they were sold very expensively.

It was worth it.

"There are painkillers. Although they are not anesthetic, they can make Jedson feel better. Eh, that's good! Grinding the pills can stop bleeding!"

Puth also showed his professionalism, Daniel replied, "As long as it works."

"I thank you on behalf of Jedson."

Daniel waved his hand and Jinx came over from behind.

After taking a glance, his eyes were attracted by the deep ditch again.

Instead of getting angry, Jinx stood straight.

"Is it beautiful?"

"Good... Well!"

Daniel was about to answer, but he almost blurted it out.

He felt a little embarrassed.

Jinx smiled complacently as if she was happy for her charm.

In order to ease the embarrassment, Daniel asked casually, "You were so happy to come here before. Is it because of your research?"

"You are right! Wow, you are so smart! Unfortunately, there is no reward."

At this moment, Jinx was like a child. It seemed that her research result made her very happy.

"Look at this."

Jinx picked up a black square object. Daniel looked at it carefully and asked, "Is this... An intercom?"


Jinx strode into the distance and went back to the bedroom.

"How's it going? Is it powerful?"

It worked!

After the disaster, it was covered with ice and snow. After the meteorite hit, a special magnetic field was left, and the radio could not be used at all.

The only thing Daniel couldn't understand was the two artificial intelligences. He could only thank the power of the system. He didn't know the principle of it without being affected by the magnetic field, but he knew that radio, TV, mobile phone and other things couldn't be used at all!

However, Jinx could break the magnetic field and successfully use the intercom!

If this news was spread out, the research result would shock the whole world!

Jinx walked out of the room, with an undisguised complacency on her face!

She did have the right to be complacent, completely!

"Have you tried to go further?"

"Of course, and it can be used from dozens of meters of dirt!"