Chapter 42 Be in Danger

The gale was more difficult to predict than an earthquake!

The key point was that Robert's action caused the news to be blocked and where was the prediction team?

They were outside the city!

He directly locked down the city, many people who didn't read the time forecast would suffer a catastrophe!

"Not level 8! We can still be saved. It's likely to be the prelude to the gale!"

Daniel looked carefully and found that it didn't look like level 8!

Level 8 should be overwhelming, rolling up the thick snow on the ground, forming a tall white wave!

"Let's fly towards the wind and rush back to the basement!"

Daniel thought quickly and made a decision!

Novini held back her grief. The last loyal subordinate would also sacrifice his life for her.

Revenge was destined to advance on blood.

The wind was coming!

The guards turned around and ran away. They didn't know that the gale would come in half an hour.

The bodyguard triggered the grenade, and the ground under his feet trembled.