Chapter 44 Cyan Blue Mine Cave

The ground was shaking.

Daniel didn't know how long had passed.

When he touched the grenade again, there were less than 10 left on the ground.

When Daniel was about to buy it again.

A call came from behind.

"Friend, please don't throw the grenade again. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

It sounded like a young man's voice.

Daniel was overjoyed and shouted, "Please help us."

His voice was hoarse as if he had smoked ten packs of cigarettes a night.

It was a group of miners.

Coincidentally, Daniel was also wearing the clothes of a miner.

"We were from Cyan Blue Mine Cave. Why did you keep throwing the grenades?"

There were five or six people in total, all wearing the clothes of the miners, but they were all very vigilant against Daniel. As for Novini, who was resting her head on Daniel's legs, she was ignored.

Three of them pointed their guns at Daniel.

"Please help us. My wife is injured. It's very dangerous now!"