Chapter 55 Growth Feed

"Level 1 growth feed: for adult animals, it will be stronger after eating it. For cubs, they can grow up in a month."

"Note: Only three kinds of animals, pigs, cattle, and sheep."

How could it be so fast to grow up in a month?

Daniel was surprised.

He was a little worried now. It was beyond ordinary people's comprehension to be so fast.

The point was how to explain it to them.

The growth feed was so good.

But it didn't make sense, which gave Daniel a headache.

Charlie's father would be dumbfounded if the pig was blown up like a balloon.

So, he had to throw the blame on the "boss".

Anyway, they were all suspicious. Daniel only told Novini about the system.

It was not that Daniel didn't believe in Charlie, Jedson, and others, but that he wanted to make himself stronger and be able to resist everything, even if he drove and shouted at the underground city every day.

It wouldn't be a big deal.

Daniel drove the robot to open the mall first.