Chapter 122 I Must Get Him

"Why did you do it again? Can't you tell me from the middle?" Clifford suddenly raised his head and interrupted Daniel.

Daniel looked at him and closed his mouth.

"Well, you go on..." Clifford lowered his head again.

"Since you..."

"..." Clifford lowered his head and held the hilt of the knife tightly with his right hand. Blue veins stood out on the back of his hand.

Clifford didn't sleep well last night. When it was his turn to watch at night, he was still lying in his sleeping bag in a daze.

Daniel's plan was so bold and reckless that it was beyond the imagination of a normal human!

His plan was not meticulous at all. It could be said that it was extremely rough!

He used the gym beside the town to attract all the zombies to the gym, then collapsed the entrance and closed the zombie.

To put it simply, the gym was like a huge cage, which locked all the zombies in the town!

"What are you thinking about? Go on duty," Daniel kicked the dazed Clifford and yawned.