Chapter 138 As Long As You Come Back

Daniel touched his nose and kicked his foot hard!

Charles felt dizzy and saw Daniel standing in front of him. Then he got a heavy punch on his belly. He even heard the cracking sound of his ribs!

Charles suffered a heavy blow on his belly, and his internal organs were almost rolling in his stomach. His stomach began to contract violently uncontrollably, and a sour and stinky stomach liquid spurted out from his mouth and nose.

Before Charles fainted, there was only one word in his mind, "Regret..."

Daniel walked over, grabbed Charles's leg, and gently put him beside the crowd. Then he clapped his hands and walked to the table in the corner. With a smile, he said, "The most important thing for a family is..."


The men on the wall shouted in unison, knocking the table hard with a huge bang.