Chapter 149 Tacit Cooperation

After running for nearly ten kilometers, they finally didn't see any green arrows behind them.

Daniel was sweating and panting heavily. His feet were as heavy as lead, and it was difficult for him to lift his legs every time.

"Stop and have a rest. The green arrows haven't shot for more than ten minutes." Elvis held Daniel's arm and said.

"Okay." Daniel nodded with difficulty, holding a big tree.

At the end of the team, the armored warrior put on a sharp thorn in each of his left and right hands and looked around vigilantly.

"How far have we run?" Daniel asked.

"About 15 kilometers," Elvis answered after thinking for a while.

"Can anyone see the distribution of zombies around us?" Daniel asked again.

Elvis was stunned and looked subconsciously at a red armored warrior.

"I can, but I need some time. Give me a few seconds!" A woman's voice was heard.