Chapter 155 Long Lost Despair

After checking the condition of the guns expertly, Daniel nodded to the soldier and gave him a thumbs-up gesture.

The soldier nodded and went back to the lift to pick up the others.

Albert and the others leaned against their walls, checking their guns.

The whole city wall was filled with the sound of pulling the bolt and checking the weapons and ammunition.

An invisible pressure before the battle slowly spread over the city wall, making everyone's breathing heavy.

Some inexperienced survivors pulled the bolt repeatedly, removed each bullet from the magazine, and wiped it carefully before stuffing it into the magazine.

Putting down the machine gun, Daniel jumped onto the wall and sat on the bricks. He lit a cigarette and squinted at the distance.

It was the first time for him to be an ordinary soldier to participate in a defensive battle.

Every dog has his day. In the past, he always wore armor and fought with the system at the front.