Chapter 169 Finish the Battle As Soon As Possible

Bazel turned his eyes to the direction where the survivors had left. He had waited for a long time, but he did not see their off-road vehicle rushing out.

"No, it's definitely not them. They won't be so fast!" Bazel turned his head four times to check.

This low voice was definitely not the sound of the engine of the car. He looked around to find the source of the sound.

Suddenly, he saw a rapidly expanding black dot in the sky in the distance.


The fire axe dropped at his feet by accident. Bazel's body stiffened and goose bumps rushed up to his head along his spine.

"Helicopter?" A ferocious black helicopter almost reached Bazel in the blink of an eye.

The loud roar sounded like the sound of nature to Bazel.

The helicopter hovered in midair. The weapon chests on both sides and the lower part of the helicopter opened at the same time, revealing the machine guns and rocket launcher with a fierce light.