Chapter 176 I Let Them Go On Purpose

The more Henry said, the angrier he became. At last, he threw the conference table in front of him away, and the things on the table splashed all over the ground.

Hearing the noise inside, the guard at the door rushed in with a gun. Before he opened his mouth, he was scolded by Henry. "Fuck off! Haven't you seen me lift the table?"

"Yes, sir!" The guard saluted and went out with the gun.

"Henry, don't be angry. We have handed over all the people to the red team for review. We won't dare to do that again." A captain said in a low voice.

"Again? Again? Ask the people in the south to destroy our underground city. Get out and go to see Jesus with me. Where is the future?"

"Henry, we don't believe Jesus." A captain muttered in a low voice.

Henry was so angry that he took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw it at him.

"Shut up! I swear I will kick your ass hard with my leather shoes!"