Chapter 184 Like the Sound of Nature

The one who took the lead was Tracy. His body was covered with blood, and the woman doctor's head was in his left hand. The blood was still dripping down her neck.

With a thick back machete in his right hand, he strode towards Alva valiantly.


The woman doctor's head was thrown under Alva's feet. There was a little panic, a little relief, and even a little mockery on her face. She looked at the ceiling with her lifeless eyes.

Alva pursed his lips. He knew that those people would definitely kill her. If that woman was a human, they might keep her for the sake of the formula, but unfortunately, she wasn't.

"Take us to the Suez underground city. The research material of this woman and everything here belongs to you. We just want to live well." Tracy put the axe aside and said with a smile.

"No." Alva shook his head and said, "We don't lack anything. We don't want to have more people."