Chapter 188 More Frivolous than Me

"Well, ha-ha, I have to ask you to wait a little longer. According to the rules, teams who can't prove their identities are not allowed to enter the city. Sorry, sorry!"

"It's okay if we don't enter the city. Get me some water and food. My people are hungry!" Daniel curled his lips and sat on the roof of the truck casually.

"This, this is not following the rules." The officer wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and explained.

He really didn't dare to let Daniel go to the city, nor did he dare to provide food supplies. Who knew if it was true?

If it was not true, he would be in big trouble.

If it was true, the worst result was to deduct this month's salary. At least he could survive.

Daniel snorted and turned to look at the carriages behind him.

Suddenly, he found a small group of carriages coming from behind them towards the city gate. Daniel rolled his eyes and jumped out of the car. With a wave of his hand, a group of soldiers followed him