Chapter 193 Being Kidnapped On Purpose

Then under the woman's grateful and eager eyes, Daniel gently pushed her out of the room.

The door was slammed shut.

Tears were still hanging on her face, and her pitiful expression was frozen.

The woman was stunned for a while outside the door. It seemed that she hadn't realized what was going on and she was pushed out?

"What happened?" The woman raised her hand and knocked on the door, lost in thought.

"You are too ugly. I have no sexual interest!" Daniel's voice came from the door.

The woman's face turned green with anger. She spat fiercely at the door, turned around, and went downstairs.

In the room, Daniel slowly changed his clothes, but his heart was full of disdain for Villemain.

Even an idiot like him could tell that such a plan was wrong. It was too old-fashioned.

But when Daniel opened the door and walked out, he felt something was wrong!

In the corridor, a strange man stood by the door and respectfully dropped his hand.