Chapter 231 I Can't Give It to Her

"Daniel, are you crazy? What if you go in and you are cut into pieces?" Karina said nervously with a pale face.

"It's okay! I believe in Gale's judgment! Without him, I would have died several times!"

Daniel stood up, put on his armor, and slowly stretched out his left hand.

Gale also returned to his body. Karina quietly walked behind Daniel and was ready to pull him out as soon as possible.

Daniel clenched his teeth and only the sound of his heart beating could be heard, almost jumping out of his throat.

One second, two seconds...

His left hand reached into the ruins for a few seconds, and nothing strange happened. His hand was not cut into pieces.

"You seem fine?"

Daniel slowly took a step forward, and his shoulder had crossed the clear boundary between the ruin on the ground and the corridor.

At this time, Daniel only felt a burning sensation from his body and left hand within the scope of the ruins, which seemed to penetrate the armor directly on his skin.