Chapter 236 This Child Can't Die

The sky gradually darkened. Those outsiders had already eared out zombies, without making any noise.

Only then did the survivors of the supermarket send the first sentry.

The sentry climbed to the roof, bowed to Daniel, and began to observe the situation around them.

Daniel didn't say anything. He pressed his lips tightly and held a can of beer in his hand.

At the intersection in the east of his mind, a zombie was killed, and even some zombies, who were trapped in small towns' rooms, were killed one after another.

The goal of the outsiders was very clear, it was this supermarket full of laughter.

They were approaching the supermarket from the southeast.

Daniel raised his head and glanced at the southeast. There were several tall buildings there, so he could observe the situation.

"Aren't you going to help them?" Gale said.