Chapter 264 Who Is He

"Many people here escaped from another town with the doctor at that time. During the evacuation, we were rushed into the crowd by a group of mutated zombies."

"The doctor grabbed a scalpel and cut the mutated zombies into pieces! Those who were bitten by zombies were supposed to be killed, but the doctor cut off the head of the boss who ordered to kill them!"

As the corpse man spoke, his eyes flashed with excitement. He looked at Daniel and raised his voice, waving his hands in the air.

"The doctor stood in front of the crowd and said expressionlessly, 'I can save those bitten people! All of them!' Do you know that at that moment, I was sure that he was the savior sent by God!"

"Do you mean that most of the people here were saved by the doctor? Did he save all the people who were bitten by zombies?"

"Half of them were saved by the doctor!"

Daniel was completely shocked. Who on earth was this doctor?

Was he really a weapon made for the purpose of killing?