Chapter 268 A Bold Guess

"He insisted on coming with us. Miss Rebecca also agreed. I have no choice." Arthur shrugged.

"It's a narrow escape for us this time. Isn't he making trouble if he goes with us?" Daniel's anger rose in an instant. He walked a few steps to the child and said coldly, "Why are you following us? Go back immediately!"

The little boy was frightened by Daniel's voice. He immediately stood up and lowered his head, not daring to say a word.

"I'm asking you. Why are you here?"

"He provided some clues about the possible base of the head of the army." Karina walked over and said lightly.

"Draw the address and I'll arrange for someone to send you back!" Daniel insisted.

"I have no home, and my father is dead. I have nowhere to go. Please don't send me back! I can do anything." The little boy raised his head and looked at Daniel pitifully.