Chapter 4 Let It Back the Sea

"Breakthrough!" Becky exclaimed.

The gene of this sea lizard had been restricted by breakthrough!

The lizard's limbs also became thicker, and it seemed to contain a great power!

The scales on the lizard's body were different from before. It emitted gray light all over its body.

In his opinion, the lizard was evolving towards the Godzilla!

"Can it evolve into the Godzilla?"

The vigor of the lizard was completely different from before.

It exuded the smell of a fierce beast!

Becky estimated that the lizard must have weighed at least 150 kilograms!

This kind of weight, coupled with its sharp claws and limbs.

Becky believed that it could defeat a lion!

Becky smiled, "Very good!"

Fortunately, it was his avatar. It was good for him to become stronger.

The lizard stared at Becky.

Suddenly, Becky saw himself from the perspective of the lizard.

"What's this?"

He couldn't believe that he had also changed with the evolution of the lizard.

He ran to the mirror and looked at himself.

In the mirror, He looked much stronger than before.

The muscles on his body were more obvious.

Becky hurriedly opened the personal panel and found that his physique had changed from 28 points to 56 points!

It doubled!

The avatar's name was also changed into the giant scale lizard.

"My avatar evolution brings me so many benefits?" Becky was pleasantly surprised.

Suddenly, an idea occurred to him:

"Since the avatar can be enhanced after it evolved, can we let the avatar share the ability of the original body?"

In other words, it could share two kinds of Haki power!

"If the avatar can also use the two kinds of Haki powers, the Color of Armed Haki and the Color of Observation Haki, then its strength will be greatly increased!"

Thinking of this, Becky was very excited.

If the Haki power could be shared, then its strength would be immeasurable!

Just do it.

Becky tried to transfer the Haki power he had trained into the body of the lizard.

In an instant, visible energy lines appeared on the lizard's body.

"It's done!" Becky was surprised. "We can share it!"

"Ha-ha!" He couldn't help laughing.

Becky tried to control the lizard to use the Color of Armed Haki.

The lizard gathered the energy on its tail and swung it hard.

Its tail hit the glass of the fish tank directly!


The whole fish tank was broken in an instant, and the water splashed everywhere.

And splashed water all over his body.

But he was very happy. "Ha-ha! That's awesome!"

The lizard broke a fish tank with only a flick of its tail.

Becky then controlled the lizard and kept letting its tail hit hard against the wall.

"Bang! Bang!"

Becky felt his house was shaking.

But lizards were creatures after all, and the walls were too hard.

The lizard's tail was also hurt by the impact.

Becky stopped in a hurry.

He suddenly felt warm energy constantly appearing at the tail of the lizard.

The energy gathered on the tail and was healing it.

Becky knew that the energy was the Color of Armed Haki!

"Since the lizard can use the Color of Armed Haki, it must be able to train the Color of Armed Haki!"

He controlled the lizard again and started training.

After a while, the system prompted:

"The Color of Armed Haki experience: +10!"

"Ha-ha! Sure enough, it can train!"

"Avatar training can also improve one's experience!"

This meant that he could train the Haki with the lizard every day!

The training speed could double again!

In the next few days, Becky trained with the lizard at home.

If he was tired from the real body training, he would change into a lizard to continue the training.

Becky calculated that the speed of daily training was twenty points of experience.

In other words, he would reach the medium stage of Haki power in about a month!

This speed was terrifying!

The lizard was getting bigger and bigger.

Becky was also considering sending it to the sea so that it could look for food on its own.

He didn't need to buy food for it anymore.

Now, it ate more and more, at least ten pounds of meat per meal.

"I really can't afford you anymore!"

Becky planned to send it to the sea tonight.

If others found that the lizard in his house was so big, they might call the police.

It would be troublesome then.

At two o'clock in the morning, Becky opened the door quietly.

A big lizard followed him quietly.

It was so quiet around that only the sound of Becky and the lizard walking could be heard.

Becky found his car and opened the door.

The lizard climbed up and curled up.

Then he started the car and drove towards the seaside.

Fortunately, he lived near the sea, or it would take a long time to come to the sea.

Becky found a deserted beach and parked his car aside.

Opening the car door, the lizard looked up at the sea in the distance.

Becky felt that the lizard was very excited.

He was also very excited. After all, the sea was Godzilla's home!

"Go ahead!"

Becky said softly.

The lizard crawled straight towards the sea and soon disappeared.

Becky returned to the car. He could still perceive everything from the lizard.

After all, the lizard was his avatar. No matter how far away it was, he could accurately perceive

Becky controlled the lizard and swam deep into the sea.

Soon they met a flock of fish.

"Great! We can have a big meal!"

The lizard speed up instantly and rushed towards the fish.

The lizard was more than two meters long now.

There was almost no creature that could be a match for the lizard in the coastal waters.

Even if it was a big shark, the lizard could easily eat it.

When the fish saw the lizard, they quickly dodged.

But the speed of the fish was slower than the lizard.

The lizard rushed into the fish and swallowed them in big gulps.

"Are you full now?"

In a short while, the lizard had eaten almost all the fish.

The rest fled in all directions.

Becky controlled the lizard and found several big fish.

During the process of preying, he found a cave near the coast.

"Great! It happens to be the residence of the lizard!"