Chapter 8 Fighting with Accomplices

While they were talking, they suddenly found that a man suddenly appeared at the entrance of the red forest they were about to enter.

Undoubtedly, this man was Becky.

After dealing with the three kidnappers easily, Becky was confident in his current ability.

What's more, one of these four was a cripple and one was an old man. The two who could fight seriously were Frick and another black young man.

Moreover, with the help of the lizard and the Color of Observation Haki, the most powerful weapons they carried were the Nepalese Army Knife. In this case, Becky had no reason to be afraid.

So Becky got off the tree and attacked the guys directly!

On the other hand, when Frick and the others saw Becky, they were also shocked.

After all, they were out to do improper things, so they were naturally very uneasy.

And a keen intuition directly let Flick feel that the man blocked in front of them must have found something.


Frick took the knife from his hand and glanced at Becky vigilantly. Seeing that Becky didn't bring any weapons, he felt a little relieved.

He questioned.

"Brat, who are you? Why are you here?"

Becky was confused. They were the ones who were sneaking around. He didn't expect that these guys would ask about his identity first.

Becky unhurriedly took off his mask and hat.

He needed to cover up his identity before, but now, facing the four dead people, of course, he didn't need to.

"I haven't asked you what you are doing, but you asked me who I am first. How ridiculous!"

Hearing this, the black old man came to Becky with a knife.

"Brat, do you want to eat a knife? Did you hear what we said just now?"

Becky nodded unhurriedly.

"Yes, I heard that, and not only heard. I also know that you are going to trade with some kidnappers. It's indeed a little extravagant to spend 1,000,000 dollars buying a woman!"

Hearing this, Frick and his companions' faces changed dramatically.

"Brat, now that you know it, you only have to die!"

As soon as Frick finished his words, he winked at the black old man nearest to Becky, who was also quick-witted.


The black old man pulled out a military thorn and stabbed it directly at Becky's chest.

This move was aimed straight at the vital parts, and it was so fast. If it were an ordinary person, he would have already been killed by this vicious move!

However, for Becky, with the super-fast reaction speed shared by the lizard and the advanced perception of the Color of Observation Haki, this move was too slow.


Becky took half a step back and dodged the stab.

The Color of Armed Haki.

In an instant, Becky's two fingers became very hard and directly clamped the thorn.

Bang! Before the black old man could react, Becky clenched his left fist. In an instant, the countless muscles in his hand went deeper and deeper, and the fine combination directly burst out with a force of more than 500 pounds.

Boom! Boom!

The black old man was thrown backward like a kite with a broken string. A few seconds later, he fell on a reef ten meters away.

Seeing this, Frick and the other two black men's pupils dilated. They didn't expect that the plain Becky could burst out with such great power in an instant.

Frick realized that the man in front of him who dared to stop him was not easy to deal with.

"Rick, Sebastian, let's go get him!"

Then the three men came together with their knives toward Becky.

Frick was the first one to come to Becky's side. He was the strongest among them, and he had the richest fighting experience. After all, if he wanted to be the boss, he had to be able to defeat several people in terms of strength.

Boom! Boom!

Blue veins stood out on Frick's forehead. A left hook fist at Becky's temple. At the same time, in order to prevent Becky from dodging to the right, he held the Nepalese Army Knife in his right hand and chopped at Becky's neck from the right.

What a good move! Whether it was to dodge right or left, it would lead to fatal consequences.

However, for Becky, Frick had obviously forgotten the most important thing.

He put all his strength on how to attack but ignored his own defense.

As the saying goes, the attack is the best defense. The next moment, when Frick's left hook and the Nepalese Army Knife were about to land on him, Becky finally made a move!


His bones crackled and his muscles were being mobilized. Becky felt that all his strength was gathered in his fists.


He could even clearly feel that the strength of his fist was increasing sharply, 300 pounds, 400 pounds, 800 pounds!

The Color of Armed Haki also released his power at the same time, making the surface of his fist extremely hard.


Eight hundred pound fist and the Color of Armed Haki's fist suddenly hit Frick's chest, as if a meteorite had fallen. Frick felt as if his chest had been hit by the tail of a lizard.

The tremendous force, like a flood, was released on Frick's chest. It knocked Frick out and also dug out all Frick's attacking methods.

Bang! Bang!

The knife in Frick's hand fell to the ground, and his whole body was thrown out and slammed to the ground.

After killing Frick, Becky was not careless when dealing with the remaining two black men, especially the cripple. Although he seemed to be limping, when he rushed up, he was exceptionally fierce and even with a murderous look! However, in front of Becky, the murderous will disappeared in an instant.

Becky snorted with contempt, and his eyes were filled with coldness. He looked like a horrible beast.

The next moment, with the premonition of the Color of Observation Haki, Becky moved sideways to avoid the sharp blade tied to the cripple.

Splash! At this time, another man took the opportunity to kick Becky's waist. The waist was the core of the human body. Once it was injured, Becky would lose his fighting ability quickly.

However, Becky didn't dodge this time. He threw a punch back. It was the Color of Armed Haki! The force of 600 pounds smashed directly at the bottom of this fellow's feet.