Chapter 15 Gem

A full 800 pounds of power was released like a flood to the bald man's chest.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

The bald man's ribs were almost broken when he was thrown backward.

And the knife in his hand was also taken away.

Now, the bald man had completely lost the ability to resist. He lay on the ground, unable to speak anything.

Becky wouldn't show mercy to such a man who was about to kill him in an instant.


After witnessing the bald man's miserable situation, the addict trembled and kneeled in front of Becky.

"Please don't kill me! Please! For the sake of God!"

Becky glanced at him coldly and said, "Get out of here! Otherwise, I will beat you every time I see you!"

"Okay, okay, I'll get out right now!"

The addict got up in a hurry and left with the bald man on his back.

"Ha-ha, handsome guy, you are awesome!"

The golden beauty applauded.

As soon as she finished speaking, she was about to fall again.

Becky had no choice but to hug her.

Then Becky smelled a mixture of fragrance and alcohol. Becky locked eyes with the beauty.

All of a sudden, he felt his heart trembling slightly, and he even had an impulse.

Becky shook his head to sober himself up. He was not a beast. He couldn't do that.

So Becky immediately called the police. It was the safest way to hand it over to the police.

Half an hour later.

A police car came over. Becky told the woman what had happened to the police and sent her away.


The second morning.

Becky woke up at dawn.

Becky was very excited when he kept thinking about salvaging the sunken ship.

Soon, he finished washing and having breakfast.

Becky went straight to the sofa and sat down.

He called Old Goat first and asked him to take the fishing ship to Pearl Sea.

After the arrangement, Becky closed his eyes and controlled his consciousness to enter the avatar of the lizard.


On a shallow reef in the Pearl Sea.

A wave surged over and slapped on the scales of the lizard.

The lizard suddenly opened its purple eyes, turned its body, and entered the Pearl Sea.

After yesterday's search, although they also found several sinking ships, most of them were empty, or something on them had been found, or there was nothing.

However, Becky was not discouraged. In contrast, he felt excited.

After all, he had just entered the area of the Pearl Sea and found several sinking ships. If he entered the depths of the Pearl Sea, he might encounter something.

Becky had searched this area yesterday, so he didn't dive to the bottom of the sea. Instead, he sped up and swam toward the deep sea of the Pearl Sea.

Soon, two hours passed.

The surrounding seawater gradually changed from azure blue to dark green.

Becky realized that something was wrong. The sea was many turbid here, probably because there were a lot of sinking ships.

Two hours later, it was close to the center of the Pearl Sea.

Becky relaxed his scales, mobilized his bones and muscles, and swam down to the bottom of the sea.

Fifty meters, one hundred meters.

Gradually, the surrounding seawater became darker and darker. The bottom of the water was uneven, and there were all kinds of seaweed and coral.

Of course, there were a lot of fierce beasts in the sea.

There were huge sharks, white whales, eel, sea cucumbers, and even ten-meter-long crows.

However, when these giant beasts sensed the aura of the lizards, they dodged far away.

As he approached the bottom of the sea, Becky saw a huge sinking ship.

But to Becky's disappointment, it was the remains of a steam iron ship, on which two huge cannons could be seen.

This kind of sinking ship was usually a warship more than 100 years ago. It must have been sunk by the United States in a naval battle with Spain, and there was generally very little treasure.

Out of caution, Becky slowly swam up.

As he approached. Becky found the way the ship was toppling was a little strange. Normally, the ship would either roll over or sink down, but it is completely upside down.

Bang! Bang!

After looking around the deck and finding nothing, Becky found the door to enter the cabin.

The door of the cabin was locked tightly. However, after being corroded by the seawater for so long, the giant lizard pushed the door open with a gentle force with its claws.

There was a long corridor inside. The ship had a total of three floors. The top was the driver's seat, the middle was the lounge, and the bottom was a warehouse for things.

Since the driver's seat was too small to get in, and the lounge in the middle was also very small, Becky chose to directly enter the warehouse at the bottom.

Bang! Bang!

After the door was pried open, black water suddenly gushed out of the warehouse.

"Black water?"

Becky grabbed the door frame with his claws and swam against the current.

Since the warehouse was located in the cabin, it was very dark inside. Fortunately, for the evolved dragon lizard, it was not difficult to see it clearly.

The whole warehouse was distributed in a long and narrow way. When it looked around, it found that there were some rotten things, rotten clothes, and rusty iron balls on the ground.

Becky swam inside and saw more and more things. He began to see some cannonballs, bullets, and even white human bones appear on the ground one after another!

However, these were not valuable things.

Becky was a little disappointed. It seemed that the ship was about the same as he expected. There was nothing valuable. The space inside the ship was getting smaller and smaller. Becky probably couldn't find anything more valuable, so he was about to return.

The next moment, the muscles in his neck were mobilized. With a sweep of his huge tail, he was about to turn around.

Bang! Bang!

All of a sudden, his tail seemed to have swept over something. Under the feeling of the Color of Observation Haki, the cannonballs on the ground were opened, revealing a sealed iron box inside.

The moment Becky saw the metal box, he immediately felt that something was wrong.

The tin box is about one cubic meter, and four corners were completely melted.


Becky grabbed the suitcase with his claws, and then stretched out nails to cut it.

Sizzle! To Becky's surprise, his claw only left a scratch on the iron sheet.

Becky became more and more curious, so he put the box on the ground, and then attached the Color of Armed Haki to the tail. The tail with scales showed a black metallic luster.


The tail fin hit the iron sheet box. Becky's strength was well controlled, and a big crack happened to be made on the iron sheet!

Becky tore the iron sheet along the crack with his claws. Inside was a box wrapped in wood and locked by a big lock.