Chapter 88 Crafting Epee and Armor

After getting 20 attributes.

Becky didn't hesitate to add it all to the thunder element.

Twenty attributes were the experience of two small grids.

Becky knew a word, "It is better to learn the essence than to learn more."

So he was not in a hurry to grasp other elements.


With the concentration of mind, an arc as thick as a stick was released from his palm.


The moment the arc touched the ground, a crack immediately appeared on the ground.

This power was completely different from the previous thunder elements that only had one grid of experience.

Becky estimated that the pressure had reached at least a dozen vodka.

Although it was far from the real super lightning of over 10,000 vodkas, compared with the previous "static electricity", Becky was already very satisfied.

He only killed a low-level demon and got 20 attributes.