Chapter 95 Underworld, Demon Dragon Remains

Two hours later.

The thorn lizard barely ate up the huge grouper king.

As the hot flesh and blood were digested by stomach acid, a huge amount of energy was gradually absorbed.

"Your avatar's evolution value is +1000 after hard assimilation."

"Your physique +100."

"Your avatar's evolution value is +999 after hard assimilation."

"Your physique +99."

The flesh and blood of this grouper king were extremely rich. Becky didn't expect that the evolution value had increased by more than 2,000 after eating a fish. At the same time, his physique had also been greatly improved.

Another half an hour passed.

When the fish king was almost digested, the lizard looked at the dark red hole under its body.

The entrance to the cave was very small, and from the outside, it was dark and almost invisible.

But when the huge grouper king came out, the narrow hole was smashed into pieces and expanded several times.

Buzz! The Color of Observation Haki was released.