Chapter 107 Successful Development! Join the Bachelorette Party

With high temperature, toughness, and high speed, coupled with tons of power, the fist center was like a flood.

This solid iron pier, which was originally highly dense, was now as soft as dough in front of Becky's iron fist!

Just as the two collided, a huge sound exploded.


With a loud sound, a huge deep hole appeared on the iron pier.

If Becky hadn't buried the pier deep enough, it would have been possible for it to fly out under this blow.

Even so, the ground shook violently.

A cloud of white smoke slowly drifted out from above the fist.

Only Becky knew that when the power of the Heavenly Fire turned his body into a hot stove, all the oxygen in the cell was burned.

It was precisely because of this that he burst out a greater power in an instant.


Becky let out a big breath and looked at the deep pit he had smashed out of his eyes, and he was very satisfied.

He didn't expect that the Heavenly Fire Fury Fist was developed by him!