Chapter 157 The End Is Coming, the World Is Changing

In the dining room, Becky looked back and found that Sophia was eating the roast chicken attentively.

In other words, although Sophia didn't know about the avatar of the thorn lizard, every time Becky entered the avatar, Sophia would do her own work obediently and never disturb Becky.

Becky couldn't help but take a piece of paper to wipe Sophia's face when he saw the little princess's face full of oil stains.

"Well, Brother Becky, have you finished practice?"

Sophia raised her head and looked at Becky curiously.

Becky was stunned for a while and then nodded. "Let's eat. After lunch, I'll take you to an interesting place, but you have to be obedient!"

"Oh, okay!"

Sophia nodded obediently and continued to eat.


Half an hour later.

Fifteen roast chickens were eaten by Sophia like a tornado.

Smacking her lips, Sophia seemed to be a little unsatisfied.