Chapter 169 Python! Lava Lakes

Becky frowned and said, "Sophia, stay away from me. If you are in danger, hide immediately!"

"Okay, brother, you, you should also be careful..."

Becky nodded and followed the voice to the corner.

The deeper they went into the cave, the hotter Becky felt.


First, 300 degrees Celsius, 400 degrees Celsius... 600 degrees Celsius.

When they entered the corner, they suddenly saw a bright light.

Because there was a huge lake in front of them.

However, it was a blood-red magma lake.

Guru guru!

The lake was still steaming. When they came here, the temperature became very high, and even the air was about to melt.

Just then.


The red scale python suddenly jumped out of the center of the magma.

The python had four claws on its abdomen, two deer horns on its head, and its scales were like the textures on a carp's body, bull's eyes, and shark's mouth.

Looking from a distance, he felt that it was like the legendary oriental giant dragon.
