Chapter 191 Enters the Door of Evolution

Two hours later.

The sound in the room gradually subsided.

After sweating profusely, Becky felt refreshed after taking a shower.

When he opened the bedroom door, Evelyn followed him out.

At this time, Sophia was concentrating on eating the red crystal in her hand. Because Becky had isolated the bedroom with the Color of Observation Haki in advance, the little girl had no idea what had happened in the room just now.


The doorbell rang and the waitress came in with breakfast.

The group of people who had exercised for the whole morning were already hungry, so they quickly began to gobble down.

While eating, Becky suddenly suggested, "Evelyn, how about I buy you a car?"

"Buy a car?"

Evelyn asked in surprise.

Becky nodded and said, "Yes. It will be more convenient for you if I'm not with you in the future."

"But you have already given me such a precious energy crystal. I..."