Chapter 223 Becky's Secret

"Yes, I also think it's ridiculous! Not to mention a month, even a year, I think it's exaggerated!"

"It's too ridiculous. I think when he wakes up, his strength will be above the six-winged angle. Otherwise, he won't evolve so fast."


Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, the bald man was a little anxious.

He took out a document from under the table and snorted.

"I know you don't believe me. But fortunately, I have been well prepared before coming here!"

Then the bald man threw the document in front of the red-haired woman.

"Before I came here, I had a careful investigation of this guy!"

"Among them, I even found some connections in the police station. Later, I found that this guy was an ordinary person with no ability a month ago!"

"A month ago, he had to deal with several drug traffickers in person. But in this short month, his strength has risen greatly."
