Chapter 261 Divine-Level Angel Launched an All-Out Attack

Athena threw a spear with a dazzling golden light, annihilating everything wherever it went!

When the sacred golden spear and the earth-shaking thunder palm were mixed together, the surrounding air was frozen and the sea was shaking.


Under the battlefield, the armor on the black beast's body, which had been charred by the explosion of the hydrogen bomb, suddenly broke into pieces, and thin cracks constantly appeared. Indistinctly, the black beast wrapped in it was still emitting an extremely strong vitality.

All of a sudden, Sandhes's face changed. He knew that the black beast was not as seriously injured as he had imagined. It might even be further strengthened!

"Hurry up, Athena! Go all out! Don't give it any chance to breathe!"

After saying that, Sandhes raised his head and roared to the sky. He raised his hands and two more brilliant white thunderbolts with a diameter of a hundred meters rushed towards the body of the thorn lizard with overwhelming momentum.